Chapter 45

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"Where were you?" Y/N asked when Sana finally walked into her apartment.

"I was at Mina's."

"You didn't tell me about it. Care to tell me why?" Sana just sighed hearing that. It's been going on like this for weeks. Sana feels like she's being treated like a kid. She needs to inform Y/N about her whereabouts all the time and it's getting a bit out of hand. Let's not mention how she starts to freak out when she sees Sana talking to someone that's not her. 

"It was very sudden. She called me crying, I barely had any time to inform you about it." 

"You could have texted me. Didn't we agree on it?" This is the toxic side of Y/N that she's only showing now. She wasn't like this before finding out that Sana cheated on her. 

"We did but don't you think that you should lessen your control over me a bit? I get that you don't trust me but this is getting toxic." Sana stated.

"You're right, I'm sorry I'm just paranoid. I was just surprised to not see you home and I thought you were-"

"You thought that I was fucking someone else?" Sana raised her voice a bit. She's done everything she can to show Y/N that she will not cheat anymore yet Y/N is still acting like this.

"No. You're really making me look bad in this situation, aren't you?" Y/N questioned without expecting an answer. "I thought you went back home and I got worried. It didn't even cross my mind that you were with someone else. Believe it or not but I actually trust you now." Y/N lied. She doesn't trust Sana at all and that's why she's being like this. It feels like Sana could go and fuck someone else at any moment. 

"You do?" Sana's eyes softened.

"Yes. I know you love me and I'm pretty sure you don't want to experience another break up because I don't want it either." The girl stood up and pulled Sana into a hug. Sana immediately responded and hugged the girl tightly.

"Do you wanna go out? Just me and you, on a romantic date. How does that sound?" Y/N cupped the girl's face.

"I'd love to." 

"Alright, get ready then." Y/N chuckled and pushed Sana lightly towards their bedroom since she knows Sana takes quite some time to get ready.

"You have no right to look this beautiful." Y/N stated when Sana was finally ready.

"Why?" Sana smiled.

"Because it makes my heart flutter."

"You're being cheesy again." Sana blushed and hit Y/N's arm. "And you're wearing all black today. Again."

"Unfortunately I only have one white shirt and I wore that one yesterday since you insisted. All the other ones are black. It's not my fault."

"Then we need to go shopping tomorrow. Don't get me wrong black suits you very well, but white just looks phenomenal on you. It shows your beautiful tattoos." Sana traced a finger down the girl's arm. "Your eyebrow piercing also becomes more visible but most importantly your facial features really stand out. Your beautiful eyes become the main character, and everything about you becomes just more attractive."

"What did I do today to deserve so many compliments?" Y/N pulled Sana by her waist.

"You always deserve them. And this is just my way to make you stop wearing plain black all the time. Is it working?"

"It is." Y/N smiled and kissed her girlfriend's lips.

"So where are we going?"

"To an art exhibition." Y/N pulled her with her. Y/N knows they both love art and they always have so many thoughts to share with each other when it comes to that subject. Every time they go to an event that's related to art they seem to bound even more than they already do.

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