Chapter 7

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It's Friday and as always a student is throwing a party. This time it's Sana's friends Momo and Mina. The two girls live together and their place is not that big but enough to throw a party.

The moment Y/N and Nayeon arrived, Y/N's eyes were wandering around looking for Sana. This is a party thrown by her best friends so she should definitely be here but Y/N can't see her anywhere. She decided to shrug it off for now and look for the Japanese later on.

"Well, you two are here." Momo and Mina approached them.

"Are we welcome?" Y/N raised her eyebrows.

"As long as you don't cause any trouble we're fine with it." Mina informed.

"Where's the third one?" Nayeon asked reffering to Sana.

"She's here somewhere. I don't know exactly where." Momo answered looking around but she couldn't see Sana either. "Maybe upstairs."

"You know if you two wanna have some fun later, I'm always available. I can make you scream aaaaaall night long." Y/N teased.

"Yeah, fuck off. Never." Momo said and pulled Mina away with her.

"By now I've only been rejected two times. And those were by Sana and Momo. Both Japanese and friends. Is it a coincidence?" Y/N asked Nayeon.

"Maybe. If you keep working for it you might lessen your list of rejections."

"After I succeed with Sana, I'll go after Momo. I can't have two rejections on my name." Y/N shook her head.

"Well those are two very hard to get girls. I'm wishing you luck."

"I'll succeed Nayeon unnie. I always do." Y/N stated as a matter of fact.

The next hour Y/N and Nayeon had some fun at the party and weirdly enough Y/N still didn't get to see Sana. Where could she even be? So Y/N decided to look for her. She went upstairs and walked into the bathroom first but was met with a couple making out so she walked out of there immediately. Don't they know how to lock?

Then she went to the bedroom and there she finally saw Sana but this time with Kim Dahyun again. Y/N has seen the two flirt a lot lately. It looks like they're interested in each other but no way Y/N is going to let something happen between them.

She saw how both girls were leaning closer. Y/N knew they were going to kiss but before they could, she stood right in between them making them stop.

"Leave, Kim Dahyun."

"No. You can't just tell me to leave all the time." Dahyun protested.

"Leave if you don't want to end up dead." Y/N warned and Dahyun just sighed going away. Y/N is the university's bad girl while she's the nerd. No way she can go against that.

"Y/N? Oh my God you're finally here." Sana exclaimed when Y/N turned around to face her. Y/N was wondering why Sana didn't say anything about her interruption and now she knows why. Sana is drunk.

"Are you okay?" Y/N asked.

"Hell yeah I am. Today is amazing. And now that you're here, it's even more amazing." Sana wrapped her arms around Y/N's nape. What's going on?

"You missed me, huh?" Y/N asked seductively to which Sana nodded.

"How much did you drink?" Y/N held the girl's waist.

"Nothing at aaaaall." Sana shook her head.

"Well, you're obviously really drunk."

"Maybe just a little." Sana laughed. "You should stop wearing this black collared shirt. It's turning me on very much." Sana's face went closer to Y/N's.

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