Chapter 31

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Sana entered class with Momo and Mina and they sat somewhere in the back. Y/N saw Sana entering which caused her to smile to herself. Sana is wearing a dress today and she looks freaking good in it.

You look beautiful - Y/N texted her.

Are you in class? - Sana

Yeah, I am. Look to your right. - Y/N demanded and Sana did as she was told. When the two locked eyes, Sana couldn't keep herself from smiling.

You're wearing make up? - Sana

Yeah, I was going to wear just sunglasses but then I remembered how you said I was beautiful with make up on :) - Y/N

Yes, you are. - Sana

Meet me in the bathroom - Y/N suddenly texted confusing Sana.

Right now? - Sana

Yes, I want to have some time for ourselves. We can barely talk at school. Besides everyone is in class right now, no one will see us. - Y/N

Fine, you leave first. - Sana suggested and Y/N did as she was told. After about five minutes Sana left the lecture room as well and luckily the professor couldn't care less. However she did get some questioning looks from Momo and Mina and Sana just told them that she badly needs to go to the bathroom.

Sana entered very cautiously and locked the door while Y/N made sure that no one was inside. Once they were sure no one was around, Y/N pinned Sana against the wall and crashed her lips onto hers, kissing her passionately.

"I fucking missed you." Y/N mumbled in between the kiss. Sana wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's neck and Y/N put her hands on Sana's ass, squeezing it from time to time making the Japanese girl moan.

"You're so fucking hot." Y/N mumbled once again and slid her tongue inside Sana's mouth exploring it. Since Sana is wearing a dress, Y/N could easily slide her hands underneath it, but she held back. If she goes too far, she won't be able to stop.

"You shouldn't wear a dress to school. It's turning me on." Y/N informed when they pulled away for some oxygen.

"Maybe that's what I wanted." Sana smirked.

"Being a bad girl, I see." 

"Only for you." The Japanese smiled and captured Y/N's lips once again.

They did this for a short while until both of them got startled when there was a knock on the door.

"Why the fuck is this locked?" They heard a girl ask.

"They're probably cleaning or something. Let's go to the other one." Another girl's voice was heard and Y/N and Sana could hear the girls leaving.

"That was close." Sana sighed.

"We should continue this at my place tonight. Are you in?"

"Sure babe." 

"Babe?" Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. A lot of girls have called her babe before while having sex and she always found it very cringy. She hates it in all honesty.

"You don't like it?" Sana can see the expression on Y/N's face. It's clear she's not enjoying this.

"No, no, I like it. I was just taken aback." 

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, babe." Y/N smirked. She's never called someone like that and she surprisingly doesn't mind calling Sana like that.

"Stop lying, I know you don't like it." Sana hit Y/N's shoulder. "And it's okay. You don't have to say you like it just to please me. I can call you something else."

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