Chapter 48

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Days have passed and Y/N and Chaeyoung are still being interrogated. There's still no update on what's happening and Sana is starting to lose patience. She hates how she's sitting at home with her hands tied not being able to do anything to help them out. 

But fortunately today she received a call from their lawyer and told her and Seulgi to come to the police station. Sana immediately went there and was met with Seulgi, the lawyer and her parents.

"Is there an update?" Sana asked him.

"Yes. The interrogation is apparently not going very smoothly. None of them are giving out any information. They all choose to stay silent. The evidence comes from one of the security camera's of the house. They closed down all of them except for one and that one camera unfortunately caught all of them doing the robbery. Other than that evidence there's nothing else they have found on any of them yet. But it is concluded that a trial will take place. The judge will decide what will happen to them. The trial will take place within a month until then they'll be locked in here. All of them." 

They all kept silent hearing that not knowing what to say. Seulgi feels bad that she was also involved yet is the only one that didn't get arrested. One thing they promised within their group is that if someone gets caught they won't bring down the others with them so she knows none of them will mention her but what is she even going to do all by herself? If her sister and her friends all go to jail, she's doomed. She can't continue to work by herself and she barely has any money on her since Y/N provides everything for her.

"How many years do you think they'll get?" Mr. Son asked.

"It depends but I'm guessing it'll be somewhere between two and ten years. More if they find anything else."

"T-ten years?" Sana's eyes are tearing up again. She's been crying so much lately it feels like her tears keep flowing non stop.

"Right now there's nothing you guys can do. We'll just have to wait till the trial and what the court decides. I'll call you when I have more information." The lawyer informed and stood up leaving them at the table.

"Sana and Seulgi, can you come with me for a second?" Y/N's uncle showed up. The two girls nodded and followed the man inside. He probably has some news for them.

"I arranged for one of you to go inside and talk to Y/N very quickly." Sana and Seulgi both asked him to see her and he said he would try to arrange it and like the great uncle he is, he did. "So who will go in?"

Sana and Seulgi both looked at each other before Seulgi spoke up. "You should go in. You're her girlfriend after all." Seulgi can see that Sana is desperate to speak to Y/N at this point.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I can speak to her another time. It's fine, you go in." Seulgi smiled weakly and Sana followed the man inside. 

"Be quick, I'm not allowed to do this."

"I'll be quick." Sana assured and got into a room. There she saw Y/N with handcuffs looking down at her hands.

"S-sana?" She looked up. Sana didn't say anything and hugged her girlfriend tightly. 

"What happened to your face?" Sana asked when she pulled away and examined the girl's face. There's a scratch on it.

"This is what happens when you don't work along with the police." Y/N answered and the two sat down across from each other. Y/N is barely even looking at Sana. She keeps avoiding her gaze.

"I came here but I don't even know what to say." Sana admitted. "I have so many questions but absolutely no time to ask all of them. Why did you do this, Y/N? Scratch that, why didn't you tell me this when I asked you about it?" Sana asked multiple times if there was something else besides dealing drugs Y/N always assured her that there wasn't.

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