Chapter 42

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Y/N waited for Sana to get her luggage ready and once she was ready, they went downstairs. Her parents were against Sana going to Japan but Chaeyoung and Y/N obviously had Sana's back. The four of them got into a heated argument while Sana just continued to cry. When Y/N started to get angry, Chaeyoung suggested for Y/N to take Sana with her and leave the house. 

Once they left, Chaeyoung approached her parents in anger.

"I can't believe what you guys are doing right now. She's in pain and you're only adding onto that pain can't you see that? Why are you so against her going to Japan? This is the fucking last time she can see him. Going there will at least ease her pain a bit. Do you really think she'll get through this staying here knowing that her dad is dying?!" Chaeyoung yelled.

"You don't know anything." Mr. Son stated.

"Yeah, I don't." The girl chuckled. "If I fucking knew that you cheated on Mr. Minatozaki with dad, things would have been different. Both of you always made it seem like he was the bad guy, but turns out you're the ones that had an affair behind his back. No wonder Sana unnie cheated on Y/N. She got it from her mother."

"W-what? Sana cheated on Y/N?" The woman raised her eyebrows.

"That's not the point right now. You can't stop her going to Japan and I'll make sure of that. She's leaving tomorrow, don't you even dare try to pull something. Be good parents for once and let her deal with the pain in peace. I'm leaving." 

"You can't leave." The man grabbed his daughter's arm.

"I never understood why Sana unnie disliked you so much, but now I do. You really are as coldhearted as she described you to be. Is this the example you want to set for Daejung?"

"You're pushing my buttons, Chaeyoung-ah." The man warned.

"So what if I do? Are you going to mistreat me like you mistreated unnie?"

"Leave!" He pushed her towards the door.

"With pleasure." She looked him deadly in the eye and left the place to go to Y/N's. She called Mina on her way to let her know about what happened. Sana needs to have her friends beside her right now. She needs to know that even though her parents are assholes that don't care about her, she has a sister, a girlfriend and two friends that do care about her.

"Where is she?" She asked Y/N once she got in the apartment. 

"She's taking a shower."

"Did you look at the plane tickets?"

"Yeah, there's one flight at 5 in the morning. I'll buy her a ticket when she comes out of the shower." Y/N informed.

"Can you buy me one too? I don't think she should go alone in this state. I'll pay you back next week."

"Yeah, I can buy you one but why pay me back next week? Don't you have any money?"

"I do have money, just not right now." Chaeyoung looked away. Y/N knows if Chaeyoung had money she wouldn't let Y/N buy them the tickets, she would simply buy them herself. It's clear that Chaeyoung doesn't have any money right now. 

"I literally gave you 2 thousand dollars only three days ago. Don't tell me you spend all of it?" Y/N smells something fishy. Chaeyoung receives about 2 thousand dollars every week from Y/N for helping her out. How can she spend all of that money and be broke right now?

"I did."

"How? It's not logical, Chaeyoung-ah. You can't spend all of that money on drugs, you don't wear any expensive clothes, you don't have any expensive stuff either. Where the fuck did that money go to?" Y/N asked but Chaeyoung didn't answer.

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