Chapter 17

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It's late at night and Y/N is hanging out with her friends right now at her apartment. They do this at least once a week but usually not at Y/N's place because Y/N doesn't like it. She doesn't like for people to see and hang around in her personal space. Besides when they all leave, she has to clean all the mess they made. And if there's one thing that Y/N hates then it's her apartment being a mess.

"Since you're here, I can assume we're good right?" Y/N asked Nayeon who was pouring herself a drink.

"I just followed Seulgi. I didn't know we were coming here."

"Can you stop being mad at me? I apologized to Jeongyeon, what more do you want?"

"I'm not mad Y/N." Nayeon stated as she looked at the latter. "I never was. I just didn't like how you acted towards her."

"It won't happen again so be my friend again. You're the only crackhead in this room that I can deal with." Nayeon chuckled upon hearing that because it's true. All of their friends drink and smoke heavily. Nayeon does it too at times but she has a high alcohol tolerance so she's usually the last man standing.

"So we cool again?"

"Fine, whatever." Nayeon shrugged it off. She's been friends with Y/N for years and Y/N is pretty much her only friend and the only person that has ever succeeded to break down Nayeon's walls. The people that are present at the party right now are just Y/N's friends not hers. They tried to befriend Nayeon many times but never succeeded.

After everything Y/N did for her, she can't just break their friendship for someone else.

"Do you have some for me? I kinda run out." Nayeon asked. Y/N is always the one that provides her friends any kind of drugs. Since Nayeon and Y/N didn't talk for a few days, Nayeon didn't get the chance to ask.

"Of course I have." Y/N smiled. If Nayeon is asking this, then it means they're cool again.

"Y/N unnie!" Chaeyoung yelled joining them. "I'm gonna need a joint."

"How much did you drink Jezus?" Chaeyoung can barely stand on her feet.

"A loooooot." The younger girl laughed. "Do you have a joint for me or no?"

"Here." Y/N handed her one.

"Thanks, you're the best." Chaeyoung thanked her and went back to sit on the couch.

All of a sudden a knock was heard on the door. Y/N and her friends looked at each other and some even panicked. All of them are here right now and they're not expecting anyone else.

"Are you guys expecting someone?" Y/N asked and they all shook their heads.

"Be quiet." The bad girl demanded and went to open the door carefully.

"Sana?" Y/N raised her eyebrows. Now is not the time for Sana to show up here.

"Is Chaeyoung here?"

"No, why?" Y/N lied. Sana knows that Y/N is lying so she pushed Y/N aside and walked into her apartment. This made everyone that was present in the room turn their heads towards her.

"Unnie?" Chaeyoung did not expect for her sister to show up here.

"Who's that?" Taehyung asked.

"My sister." Chaeyoung sighed. "Why are you here?"

"Why aren't you answering your phone? I was crazy worried."

"Chill, we're just hanging out." Sana can see that Chaeyoung has been drinking. The smell of weed is all over the place as well, which Sana absolutely hates.

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