Chapter 23

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Y/N and Sana are back in the car after having left the movies. Ever since they saw Tzuyu both of them have been silent, especially Sana.

While Y/N was driving she noticed how Sana is looking sad.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Sana finally spoke up.

"It's okay if you're not. You can talk to me about it." Y/N held Sana's hand with her right hand while the left hand didn't leave the steering wheel.

"I just haven't seen her since we broke up so it naturally brought back memories."

"She's the ex that betrayed you right?"

"Yeah, she's the one. But how do you know her?" Sana asked.

"We were friends back in the day but she betrayed me as well so I taught her a lesson."

"What did you do?"

"I don't think you should know." Y/N brought her right hand back to the steering wheel. Sana badly wants to know what exactly happened between them but no way Y/N will give out more information than this.

"I'm sorry for this shitty date. You probably would have had more fun if you just went with your original plans."

"No, no, I did have fun Y/N. Don't worry about it."

"I didn't even pay attention to the movie." The bad girl reminded.

"Being with you was enough. I'm already thankful that you're stepping out of your comfort zone for me."

"Do you want to hang out more or should I take you home?"

"Can you take me home? I don't feel well." Sana was having a bad feeling all day and now she knows why. Tzuyu really broke her heart so seeing her today really did something to her. It won't be right for her to be with Y/N right now. She doesn't want to sulk over Tzuyu while being with Y/N, so it's best if she just goes home.

"Sure, whatever you want." Y/N made her way to Sana's house. After about 15 minutes the two arrived.

"I'm sorry that it turned out this way. I didn't expect to see her nor to be affected by her. I'm going to make it up to you." Sana does feel bad for acting like this right now. Y/N didn't do anything wrong. If Tzuyu hadn't shown up they still would have been having fun.


"I promise, Y/N. I'll see you at school." Sana smiled weakly and left the car.

"Not even a goodbye kiss?" Y/N mumbled to herself. Couldn't Tzuyu show up at another time? When they were not on a date? She really ruined Y/N's chance at hooking up with Sana tonight.

Since the date didn't go as planned and Y/N doesn't feel like going home yet, she went to a nearby bar. A bar where she goes at least once a week.

"Y/N-ssi, it's been a while since you showed up here." The bartender laughed. The guy has been working here for years and since Y/N comes here quite often, he knows her pretty well.

"It's not been that long." Y/N sat down at the counter.

"Something wrong? You seem tense."

"No, I just need a drink. Can you give me the usual?"

"Sure thing." The guy nodded and made her drink. 

Y/N isn't even that much bothered by seeing Tzuyu. What bothers her are the words that Tzuyu spoke about her. She literally said that she's a sociopath in front of Sana. Who is Tzuyu even to say that about her when they're very much alike? If Y/N's a sociopath, then so is Tzuyu. After all the two are involved in the same matters and they have the same ways of manipulating people.

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