Chapter 37

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Y/N and Sana have been spending the past week with Sana's father in Japan. They did a lot of sightseeing and Y/N got to try some Japanese food that she absolutely loves. They also got to spend new year together and nothing was more fun for Y/N to spend it with her girlfriend. Sana and her father are very alike so it was natural that she got along with the man as well. Good thing that Y/N gets along with both Sana's parents. Unfortunately Mr. Minatozaki couldn't take a week off so he still had to go to work some of the days so Y/N and Sana used that time to spend with each other. They have to admit they both needed this week off.

Today is their last day in Osaka. They will be going back to Seoul tomorrow. Since it's their last day, Mr. Minatozaki managed to take a day off from work to spend it with his daughter and her girlfriend.

"Good morning." Sana smiled when her girlfriend woke up.

"Good morning, beautiful. Ready for our last day?" Y/N smiled. The man wanted the two to be comfortable so he let them stay in one room. 

"No, I was having way too much fun." Sana pouted. She hates to go back to Seoul. She wants to spend more time with her dad here in Japan.

"If it wasn't for school we could've stayed longer."

"That's not an option, you know that."

"I know, I know, the good girl Minatozaki Sana will never skip her classes." Y/N sighed as she sat up.

"Dad asked me if we wanted to go to the park today. There's this beautiful park nearby, you'll love it." 

"How are you so sure?" Y/N chuckled.

"Because you're the artsy type and you love nature even if you won't admit." Sana hit Y/N 's arm lightly. "Now get up so we can have breakfast."

"Alright, you go join your dad. I'll join you after I get ready." Y/N informed to which Sana nodded. Sana left the room and went to her dad who was preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

"Ready for your last day?" The man asked.

"You just asked the same question Y/N asked me."

"Seems like you're not ready." The man laughed.

"I just want to spend more time with you. Who knows when we'll see each other again." The Japanese girl looked down.

"Don't be sad princess, I'll do my best to come visit you. In the meanwhile just focus on your studies and on your relationship. Don't mind that asshole of a stepfather of yours." Mr. Minatozaki knows very well that his daughter doesn't get along with Mr. Son.

"It's hard not to. He just makes me so mad."

"Try to ignore it as much as you can. Who knows maybe you'll move in with me after you finish your studies." Mr. Minatozaki has mentioned this before. He wants Sana to move back to Japan.

"You know I'd love to but I don't know if that's an option dad. I mean I don't know if I can leave my mom and siblings behind."

"And you don't know how you can leave Y/N behind, right?"

"Yeah, but I promise after I finish university, I'll come here more often." Sana hugged her dad.

"By the way what do you think of Y/N so far?" Sana asked this question before but he told her that he couldn't give an answer yet since he just met her.

"I like her. She treats you well and she takes care of you. The fact that she brought you here already shows that she wants you to be happy. However I am worried about her smoking habits. And from what you mentioned before I know she has a criminal record so you should be careful. I don't get why you always fall for criminals." Mr. Minatozaki shook his head. First she fell for Tzuyu and now for Y/N. Both pretty much coldblooded criminals.

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