Chapter 3

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Y/N got on her motorcycle and made her way to her apartment. After eating and showering she wanted to study for a bit. Yes, she studies, how else would she have survived at university? She managed to pass high school without studying at all, but university is a different story. She tried not studying but it didn't work out and turns out that she actually does like studying.

She kept looking around for her biology book and noticed that it was not with her. She probably forgot it at the campus so she got back on her bike and went to the campus to get her book. She went inside and found what she was looking for. Right when she was about to get back on her bike she saw Sana standing in the parking lot. It looks like she's trying to reach a cab but with no success. It's actually already pretty late. All classes are done so Y/N guesses that Sana was probably studying in the library.

"Need a ride?" Y/N asked as she stopped her motorbike right in front of her.

"No." Sana answered harshly.

"You won't be able to find a cab that easily. Let me just drop you off."

"There's no way I'm getting on that death trap." Sana shook her head. If there's one thing that she hates, it's bikes.

"It's not a death trap, don't call my baby like that." Y/N acted like she was hurt to which Sana rolled her eyes.

"Just leave." Sana demanded and right at that moment thunder was heard in the distance.

"Look you could stay here and wait for a cab for another hour while it's raining or you could just get on my bike and I'll bring you home."

"Why would I trust you?" Sana questioned.

"Look I just want to get you home. I'm not planning to do anything else." Y/N actually sounded sincere so after giving it a short thought Sana decided to accept the offer. Y/N is right, it'll be hard to find a cab at this hour and weather.

"Here's a helmet for you, ma'am." Y/N handed her a helmet. Sana looked left and right to make sure that no one is seeing them. If someone sees this, it'll surely be big news.

"Isn't this Jihyo's?"

"No, I just give it to anyone that joins me on an adventure. It doesn't belong to anyone." Y/N assured.

"Fine." Sana answered and finally put the helmet on. The helmet has probably been used by a lot of girls.

"Looks good on you. You could definitely be a biker." Y/N joked which Sana didn't find funny at all. "C'mon hop on. Just hold me tightly and you'll be fine."

"You're not going to ask my adres?" Sana raised her eyebrows as she got on the bike behind Y/N.

"I know where you live. And don't act surprised because I know that you know where I live as well. We literally see each other every morning, Sana-ssi." They live only two blocks away so yes Y/N knows where Sana lives. She's seen her enter her house a few times.

"Still, I didn't expect you to know where I exactly live." Sana mumbled.

"Hold on tight, Sana-ssi. We're going on an adventure." Y/N smirked underneath her helmet and started the engine. To say that Sana is scared, would be an understatement. She's literally dying inside. Why did she agree to get on Y/N's bike again? She feels like she might die any second and without even realizing she held onto Y/N tighter than she intended to.

Y/N smirked internally feeling Sana's hands tightly around her waist. This is one of the reasons why she has a bike. It's a great way to seduce girls. Some of them are scared to get onto it, but when they do Y/N makes sure to make them feel safe. She doesn't drive at a high speed and makes sure to drive very safely. That's how girls start trusting her, but she never expected to have Sana on her bike right now.

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