Chapter 12

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"Wait here, I'm going to get my stuff." Y/N said to Sana as she went to her room. Chaeyoung just called her to tell her to come to the police station. Y/N does not know why Chaeyoung is there in the first place but she can guess why.

Sana is surely going to lose her mind when she finds out that Chaeyoung got into trouble and Chaeyoung is surely going to lose her mind when she sees her older sister at the police station.

Sana was looking around while Y/N was getting her stuff. Y/N's apartment is huge. Why does she live in such a big place all by herself? If Sana remembers correctly Y/N used to stay at the university dorms in her first year but eventually moved out.

Sana never stayed at the dorms because she already lives close to the campus. There was just no need to. Her friends, Mina and Momo however they do stay at the dorms.

Y/N gives off the rich vibes, she always did so Sana is guessing that the girl's parents are very rich. They probably provided her this place. There's just no other way she could afford this.

"I'm ready, let's go." Y/N came back and the two got out of the apartment.

"Where exactly are we going? Where is she?" Maybe Y/N is not taking her to Chaeyoung at all. Maybe this is all a trap. Sana needs to be cautious.

"At the police station."

"What?!" Sana stopped in her tracks. "What is she doing there?"

"I'm not sure. We'll find out." Y/N got her helmet and handed Sana one as well.

"Don't you have a car or something?" Sana does not like going on Y/N's bike, mostly because she needs to hold on to Y/N tightly and it makes her heart beat faster for an unknown reason.

"No, stop complaining and just hop on." Luckily Sana didn't protest anymore and got on Y/N's bike. The two went to the police station soon after.

"Aren't you coming?" Y/N asked when she didn't see Sana move.

"I... I'm nervous. What if she got herself in big trouble?" Sana will not forgive herself if something happens to Chaeyoung. She's her big sister, she should have been protecting her.

"It'll be fine, we'll get her out of here." Since Y/N got involved with the police many times, she knows how to handle these situations.

"You can also just stay here until I get her back."

"No, I'm coming." Sana said and started to walk towards Y/N. The two walked into the police station and Y/N approached the guy at the desk.

"We're here for Son Chaeyoung. Is she here?"

"Ah yes, she's locked up."

"What?!" Sana yelled.

"Can I ask why?" Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. Chaeyoung wasn't locked up when she called her. 

"She was making a scene and didn't want to work along so we had no choice but to lock her up." The guy explained.

"Why even is she here?" Sana questioned.

"She and her friends got into a fight with some gang members. We got a call from a witness and arrested all of them. Later on we also found some drugs on her which is why we're not letting her go."

Hearing that Sana glared at Y/N. Chaeyoung getting into a fight with gang members and having drugs on her? That's nothing like Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung is learning all this shit from Y/N and Sana will surely put an end to it. She won't allow Y/N to influence her younger sister anymore.

"Kang Y/N? What are you doing here? Got yourself in trouble again?" Another cop approached them.

"Oh no I'm not in trouble, a friend of mine is." It looks like Y/N and this man know each other well.

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