Chapter 58

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Today is the wedding day of Sana and Mingyu. Sana is in her wedding dress right now and her friends are helping her to get ready for the big day. 

"You look so beautiful, I don't think I'll be able to keep my tears in today." Her mother shed a tear.

"Mom, stop crying or I will cry too." Sana demanded.

"You really do look beautiful though, Mingyu is such a lucky guy." Momo stated and everyone agreed.

"Don't you dare to cry, Sana. I spend two hours doing your make up." Nayeon warned her. Even though Y/N's her best friend, she wanted to help Sana prepare for her wedding day. Besides Sana and Jeongyeon are good friends so Jeongyeon wanted Nayeon to come with her. Nayeon informed Y/N about this and she seemed to be fine with it.

"I will try not to." Sana smiled weakly.

"Alright all of you get out. It's time to leave." Chaeyoung pushed all of them out of the room.

"Babe, we still have ten minutes." Mina let her know.

"Maybe she wants to talk to her big sister before she's a married woman you know." Momo chuckled.

"Yes, thank you Momo unnie for understanding."

"Fine, we'll be waiting downstairs." Jeongyeon said and they all got out of the room.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Chaeyoung questioned once everyone left. "You don't even look happy or excited right now."

"Yes, I'm sure. Stop asking me that."

"Will you tell Mingyu about Y/N?"

"No, I won't." Sana answered.

"But he will find out about it you know that right?" Chaeyoung raised her eyebrows and Sana didn't answer. Instead she kept quiet.

"Smile, unnie. You're getting married to a very decent guy. I know Y/N's my friend but fuck she's horrible for you. She's not worth it to be sad on your wedding day. You came this far with him, it's too late to back off right now. You made the decision to get married so stop sulking over your ex-girlfriend." Chaeyoung is getting a bit frustrated by Sana's actions. She's acting as if someone died instead of being happy. She shouldn't be like this when getting married. As much as Chaeyoung wants Sana to be happy, this is something she brought her herself. She said yes to getting married, she decided to cheat on him and she decided to open the doors for Y/N to enter back into her life. She has no right to be sad when it's all her fault. 

"Just shut up and leave me alone. You don't have to rub it in my face that this is all my fault because I fucking know."

"You know yet you're still like this. You realise that everyone's mood went down with yours right? Mom is literally the only one that doesn't notice a thing." 

"Let's just go." Sana stood up not wanting to continue this conversation. The two left the room and went downstairs. 

Arriving at the altar Sana saw about a hundred people gathered there. If there's already this many people at the altar how many will there be at the wedding? Why the hell did they invite so many people? Sana wouldn't have minded this if she actually got married to someone she loved.

"Let me walk you to the altar." Her step father approached her to which Sana nodded. He linked his arm with Sana's and they walked off the altar to where Mingyu is waiting for her. Mingyu is looking at her with full admiration. It's obvious to everyone that he's madly in love with her.

Seeing how Mingyu looks at her makes Sana feel anxious. How can she do this to him and to herself? She thought all night about what to do. Y/N showing up yesterday really fucked up her mind. She wants to get married in order to be happy and in order to hurt Y/N, but everyone knows that she's not capable of hurting Y/N. Even after everything Y/N did to her, she still doesn't hate her, she still doesn't want to hurt her.

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