Chapter 47

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"Oh Y/N-ah, you're home." Sana smiled when her girlfriend walked into the apartment.

"Yes, I am. Did you miss me?" Y/N walked up to Sana who was sitting at the table in front of her laptop and kissed her on the cheek.

"Yes, I did."

"What are you doing?"

"I'm working on the paper that is due next week. It's really a pain in the ass." Sana sighed.

"Oh shit, I still have to start on that one."

"Y/N!" Sana yelled in a scolding manner. "It's a lot of work, you need to start as soon as possible!"

"I'll handle it, baby. I always do." Y/N sat down next to her.

"You better start tomorrow or else I'll make sure you start working on it."

"Hmm, really? How will you do that?" Y/N leaned closer to her.

"You'll see. But one thing is for sure, you're not going to like it. Just do your assignments, Y/N. You're making me stress in your place. It really isn't that smart to leave all the work until the day of the deadline."

"Okay, okay, I'll start tomorrow. I don't want you to worry about me."

"That's my girlfriend." Sana smiled looking at Y/N and pecked her lips.

"Did you change your perfume? It smells freaking good." Y/N asked.

"You immediately noticed." The Japanese girl didn't think Y/N would notice but then again Y/N notices even the slightest change in Sana. Wether it's the change of her perfume or a change in her mood, she notices it all.

"Of course I did. There's not a thing that I don't notice."

"You know sometimes I wish I had your confidence. I mean you're always so confident and you love yourself to the point that it sometimes gets disturbing."

"I don't know if that's a compliment or an insult."

"It's a compliment. It's good that you're like this just don't exaggerate, okay?" Sana held the girl's arm looking at her with love in her eyes. It's crazy how much she's in love with this girl.

"I won't, I won't. I mostly do it in a joking manner anyways."

"Yeah, right." Sana chuckled not believing what Y/N says.

"Yah, why won't you believe me?" Y/N pouted which was the cutest thing ever. Sana loves how Y/N only shows her cute side to her and no one else. It confirms that Sana is special to her.

"I believe you, now stop being cute. You're distracting me from my paper." The Japanese turned back to her laptop.

"The paper can wait, but I can't." Y/N said in a seductive manner and closed the girl's laptop.

"You're in a good mood today, aren't you?" Sana asked looking at Y/N's lips that are still a bit bruised from the fight with Tzuyu.

"Yes, I am. Instead of looking at me like that, how about you just kiss me?"

"I will but only because I want to not because you asked me to." Sana teased and pulled her girlfriend into a kiss. Her hands travelled to her hair and tucked it in a gentle manner. Y/N didn't waste any time pulling Sana closer towards her and placing her on her lap. Y/N finds it very fucking hot when Sana's hands are tucked into her hair. It turns her on way too much for her own liking.

The more seconds passed by the more aggressive they started to be. Their tongues are fighting for dominance as their hands are travelling down each other's bodies. It didn't take long for Sana to start grinding on her girlfriend and that was Y/N's cue to take this further than just making out. She lifted the girl up, not breaking the kiss, and brought her to the bedroom.

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