Chapter 32

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After both girls showered and got ready, they left Y/N's apartment to go to the grocery store. Luckily the grocery store isn't that far so they didn't have to walk a long way.

"When did it even get dark? How long were we fucking?" Y/N asked as they walked out of the building.

"Yah, don't say that word in public like that!" 

"Why? Wasn't it what we were doing?" 

"You're such an asshole." The Japanese girl shook her head. 

"I'm an asshole you like." Y/N smirked and grabbed her girlfriend's hand to intertwine their fingers.

"Are you sure you want to hold hands in public? I mean didn't you say that you hate holding hands?" Sana remembered.

"I do, but not with you. In fact I like holding your hand. Besides no one from school will see us in this neighbourhood, I think we're safe." Y/N guessed and the two arrived at the grocery store. They got everything they need and right when they walked out of the store they heard someone approaching them.

"If it isn't my ex best friend and my ex girlfriend." Tzuyu laughed while approaching. By seeing Tzuyu, Y/N immediately felt a rage building inside of her.

"What are you doing here?" Y/N asked.

"I was just walking around the neighbourhood and then I saw you walking out of the store. So you two are dating now, huh?" Tzuyu looked at their intertwined hands. By Tzuyu's gaze both of them released their hands.

"None of your business." Y/N said in frustration.

"You're even going grocery shopping together like a married couple." Tzuyu laughed.

"What do you want?" Sana asked.

"Nothing from you. However I am very sad that you got together with someone like her after me. She's only going to hurt you more than I did."

"I won't. I'm not like you." 

"Yes you are. You made me like this, don't you remember? In fact Sana-ssi, I was a pretty good girl. I was just like you but after hanging out with Y/N for too long this is what I became." Y/N taught her the ins and outs of dealing drugs, using drugs and some other criminal activities that are probably even worse than drug dealing. Tzuyu isn't lying when she says that she was a good girl. 

She was a typical nice, rich girl. Her father is the CEO of a huge company and Tzuyu was planning on following his footsteps but unfortunately that plan didn't go through. Her parents threw her out after finding out that she's gay. She didn't even have a dime in her pocket and that's when she met Y/N. Y/N took her in, offered her a place to stay, provided her food and money in exchange for doing some criminal activities for her. Y/N saw that Tzuyu had potential so she taught her everything she knew. She never would have thought for Tzuyu to stab her in the back like that. 

"You were like this ever since we met." Sana reminded her.

"That's because I met Y/N unnie before you."

"Don't call me that." Y/N warned. 

"I just want to warn you, Sana-ssi. We may have broken up, but deep inside I want you to end up with someone who's not exactly like me. In this case even worse than me. Are you really sure you want to date this sociopath?"

"I told you to not call me like that." Y/N approached her in frustration while Sana held her arm.

"Why? It's true, isn't it? You fucking ruined my life and I can't believe I let you do that."

"So you're crying about that now, huh? You didn't mind when I gave you food and money and took you in." 

"If I could go back I wouldn't have accepted all of that. I realised it way too late that it was all part of your manipulation." Tzuyu shook her head.

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