Chapter 43

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The funeral is in half an hour so the four girls are getting ready to go. Y/N slowly entered the room where Sana was in, which was her father's bedroom.

"Are you ready, Sana?" Y/N asked sadly when she saw Sana crying with a sweater in her hands which Y/N is guessing is her dad's.

"I bought him this sweater. He wore it all the time." 

Y/N closed the door behind her and approached her girlfriend. Well girlfriend if they manage to fix their relationship but right now that's not important. Right now, Sana is important.

"He must have really liked it, especially coming from you."

"He wore everything I bought him even if he didn't like it. He said that it was already special because it came from me." Sana smiled weakly remembering.

"He loves you a lot, Sana-yah. I haven't seen a parent love his child as much as your dad does. I'm sure many people are jealous of your relationship with him." The bad girl caressed Sana's cheek.

"What's the point if he's gone now? He didn't even tell me that he was dying, Y/N. Apparently he knew for about a year but still he didn't tell me. He didn't even tell me when we came here. Why wouldn't he have told me?" 

"Maybe because he didn't want you to worry. I'm sure he wanted to tell you but just couldn't. It's not easy to tell your child something like this." 

"Can you hug me?" The Japanese girl asked. Y/N didn't answer and pulled Sana into a hug. "We need to go now if we don't want to be late." 

Sana nodded and the two girls left the room joining Mina and Chaeyoung. 

"Are you guys ready to go?" Chaeyoung asked to which Y/N and Sana nodded. The four girls grabbed their jackets and left to go to the funeral. A lot of people showed up since Mr. Minatozaki was a charming, social man. A lot of his friends and relatives supported Sana in losing her father. She hasn't seen most of them in years but it still means a lot to her that they're here.

Y/N didn't leave Sana's side since the girl can break down any moment, but Sana was keeping it all in. Her tears were still flowing but the sunglasses she wore avoided people seeing them. 

"You okay?" Y/N asked as she grabbed Sana's hand to which Sana just nodded.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." A girl approached Sana and hugged her. Since she spoke in Japanese, Y/N couldn't understand her.

"She's my cousin." Sana informed Y/N.

"Who's this?" The girl asked.

"My girl... My friend." Sana changed her words. She doesn't know where she's standing with Y/N right now and maybe Y/N won't like it if she introduces her as her girlfriend so she decided to do otherwise. Luckily the moment was interrupted by some other people who Y/N guesses are her relatives.

"I'll go check up on Mina and Chaeyoung." Y/N told Sana and went to the two girls who weren't far away from them.

"How is she doing?" Mina asked.

"She's keeping it all in." Y/N sighed. "I don't think she'll be fine after this."

"This is so fucked up." Chaeyoung shook her head. 

"Y/N?" A woman called. Y/N turned around to see Yoona. What the hell is she doing here? is she stalking Y/N? "I'm so sorry for your loss." She approached her with a man beside her.

"What are you doing here?" How did she even find out about the funeral?

"Apparently my husband and Mr. Minatozaki worked in the same company. I knew you would be here when I heard about what happened to him."

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