Two Heroes-Chapter Four

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Sakura POV


I sighed at the spiky blonde's antics right before dodging an attack by the skinnier villain. I rolled to the side just in time for Shoto to blast an ice attack towards our competitor, making him retreat a few steps back. Shoto then took off by creating himself a platform of ice and raced towards the scrawnier villain, riding the wave of ice gracefully.


I turned just in time to witness my fellow classmate with angry issues blast himself right towards the purple goon, his right palm igniting with small sparks. When he got to a close enough range towards the villain, he raised his loaded hand at the man's face.

I thought the villain was toast, but he had somehow managed to dodge Katsuki's explosion attack right in time. 'He's faster than he looks.'  I thought to myself as my eyes narrowed to study the villain's movements. But quickly, my narrowed eyes turned wide as I saw Katsuki let out a grunt of pain from the previous explosion he had created. He held his wrist close to his chest as he was bent over.

"This has been fun, kid, but I'm afraid this is where I put an end to this fight," the purple monster announced, as he began to make his way towards my angry friend. 

"The hell you are," I grumbled.

I sprinted towards the hedgehog who was still kneeling over, clutching his hand in pain. He was too engrossed with his hand that he was not noticing the purple monster racing towards him, with his right arm pulled back. In a blink of an eye, I dashed towards Katsuki who was still bent over. Jumping sideways, I felt my back connect with the dirty blonde's as I swung my outside leg around with much force. The bottom of my foot met with something hard and I heard a loud grunt emerge from the bigger villain.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size," I growled as I stood to look at my new opponent in front of me.

"Come on, little girl," The purple beast snickered, motioning for me to come at him. "I ain't afraid of a girl's punch."

I raised my eyebrows at his mocking tone. "Is that so?" I readied in to my stance, seeing azure lights flicker around my body. "Come a little closer and I'll show you just how hard a girl hits."

He scoffed as both of us sprinted towards each other. Just at arm's length, I swung my right fist, wanting to get in the first hit. Unfortunately, it didn't happen as the villain grabbed my hand, putting a stop to my attempted assault. He sent me a cocky, ugly ass smirk and I returned him with a bigger one before punching him with left fist. He stumbled a bit backwards and I took this chance to get the upper hand of this fight, throwing punches left and right. I managed to make him retreat a step back with each hit.

I took a short breath before focusing my One for All power to my legs. Then, I pushed forwards with my right leg pulled back and I oscillated my leg forward, hitting my enemy right in the face. The grape colored villain snarled at me, wiping the blood away from the fresh cut on his lip. I looked down to see his hand formed into a fist. Just as he swung his arm back, I put out my arms in front of me in shape of an X to lessen the damage from his punch.

The hit he had landed on me flung the earpiece I had in my ear right out, sending it out somewhere along the shattered pieces of ice. I felt my body fly into the air. Quickly performing a backwards somersault, I landed with ease in a runner's starting position. I stood up to see the man giving me an irksome smirk as I wiped the blood off my lip. 

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