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i'm so sad that haikyuu got delayed till october. this year has been the absolutely worst.


Sakura POV

"Team Bakugo, Midoriya, Asano Practical Exam. Ready? Go!"

The voice of the robotic voice echoed through the empty city. The whole area was dead silent except for sounds of our footsteps tapping against the ground.

Oh, and then of course there's the sound of my teammates' exasperating bickering.

"Stop fucking following me!" Katsuki yelled, snarling at Izuku who was desperately trying to reason with him while trying to match the angry ash blonde's fast pace.

"I-If we keep going straight, All Might probably be waiting for us!" Izuku explained, stumbling on his own feet. "I-I think it's better if we avoid a battle, no matter what!"

"Why should we run away?! It'd definitely be better if we beat him up!" Katsuki barked.

I walked a couple of paces behind them, letting out a sigh as I shook my head disapprovingly at their childish and unwelcome behavior. 'Not a minute in our exam and these two are going at it already. Such wishful thinking to actually believe that these two could work together.'

"W-We should avoid combat if we can no matter what!" Izuku exclaimed.

"We'll toy with him until it's almost over!" Katsuki yelled, keeping his sharp gaze ahead. "And then once he's tired out, I'll beat him up!"

I snorted at his dumb remark. Just who did he think Toshinori was?

Izuku stopped in his tracks and stared after our teammate, clearly frustrated from how stubborn he was being. His green eyes were glowing with aggravation and his lips were pressed into a thin line. I don't think I have ever seen him like this.

I put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, don't let him get to you," I said softly. But Izuku just brushed me off and ran after Katsuki.

"Who do you think All Might is?!" Izuku yelled. "Even with the handicap, you can't win against him!"

My eyes widened when I saw Katsuki swing his arm back and hit my green-haired friend square in the face with his gauntlet. Izuku landed on his side and cradled the side of his face.

"Don't you dare say another word," Katsuki hissed as he glowered down at our fallen teammate, his glare dark and filled with rage . "Just because things are going better for you doesn't mean you should talk. You seriously piss me off!"

I hurried to my friend and crouched down beside him. I put a hand on his cheek, already using my healing quirk on the massive bruise that was forming. "What is your problem?" I glared back at Katsuki. "In case you're forgetting, dumbass, we are on your team!"

"Tch," Katsuki turned and continued to walk away.

"Wait Kacchan!" Izuku called out as he got up back on his feet. "I'm saying this so we can pass the test! Listen, Kacchan!"


I felt my eye twitch as a huge ball of annoyance rose up in my chest. "Guys, enough fig-"

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