Night Terrors

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Sakura POV

After chatting with the boys for a little, I left to go use the restroom. Stumbling through the hallway with my hand placed on my lower abdomen, I realized that I haven't used the toilet in a long time.

After letting my poor bladder do it's business, I walked up to the sinks to wash my hands. As I ran my hands under the warm water, I thought back to Shoto's hilarious 'hand crusher' moment.

'Who knew Shoto had a sense of humor.' I softly giggled from the image of how serious his expression was. It was almost.....adorable.

'What am I thinking.' I chuckled, shaking my head from my silly thoughts. I pushed the door open and began my way back to the room. I was about to turn the corner when I heard a familiar voice.

"I called to talk about the hero killer."

I stopped dead in my tracks when I recognized Sorahiko's voice. 'He must be talking to Toshinori.' But his voice sounded so grave.

"I only saw him in person for a few minutes," Sorahiko continued. "but even so, he had me shaking."

I shuddered from his words, remembering how terrifying Stain had looked when he announced that all heroes needed to be taught a lesson. 'So even Sorahiko was scared...' But Stain was locked away, so why is he bringing this up to Toshinori?

"The pressure I felt from the Hero Killer was probably his strong ideology," I heard the old man mutter. "Or the intimidation from his obsession. I'm not saying this to praise the maniac, but it's the same quality as that 'Symbol of Peace' thing you have."

'The same quality as Toshinori's?' I felt my brows furrow in confusion.

"To put it simply, it's charisma. As the investigation continues, his ideology and opinion will be spread all over the media, online news, TV, magazines.." Sorahiko said. "The current age, for better or worse, is one of suppression. People who are influenced by his beliefs will definitely appear."

I closed my eyes as I took this all in. That's right, more villains will step out of the shadows because of the Hero Killer. In some sick way, Stain had probably inspired them to cleanse this world of 'fake' heroes. I put my hand to my stomach as I felt nauseous from this idea.

"That's where the League of Villains comes in."

I stiffened from hearing this. 'The Nomus...' I was too busy fighting the Hero Killer, to even realize the fact that the League of Villains were the ones who had released the creatures in Hosu City.

"The incident in Hosu indicates that Stain and the League are somehow connected," Sorahiko stated. "With this, the League will rise from begin thought of as a bunch of lowlife villains that attacked U.A. to being recognized as the group that supports this ideology."

"In other words, there's a receptacle ready to receive them. Even if the malice of each individual is small, if all that evil gathers under one will, it will swell up to hundreds of times that," he explained. "If the enemy general knew this would happen from the start, then he's pretty good," his voice was now low and full of warning. "He's steadily getting rid of obstacles, trying to create conditions to further his own purpose."

Suddenly, the air around me hotter and it was getting hard for me to breathe. I felt my hands shaking and sweat starting to form around my forehead as I pieced it all together. 'Nomus.... multiple quirks.... It couldn't be....'

"The man who killed and stole the quirk of my sworn friend and your master, the previous One for All holder, Shimura, and opened that hole in your stomach. The one who had murdered your poor child's parents and tortured her all those years...."

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