Izuku Midoriya

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Sakura POV

"Mama ? What's happening? Where's Papa?"
"Shhh.. It's going to okay. It's going to be alright."
"Give us the child and your lives will be spared."
"Hush now child. Your parents are gone. It's okay. I will make you stronger."

I immediately woke up out of breath and drenched in sweat. I was breathing heavily trying to catch my breath. I wiped my face realizing there were tears running down my cheeks. I looked outside and saw that it was still dark. I took a deep breath.

It was just another nightmare.

My hand went to the necklace around my neck. I grabbed the two rings that was strung around my neck and closed my eyes. They were my parents' wedding rings.

I opened my eyes looked around my room and saw that my desk was destroyed. I sighed. I must have used my chaos quirk when I was asleep. I checked my alarm clock and saw it was already 5am.  

'Might as well get up and start getting ready. There's no way I'm going back to bed now.'

I got up and headed for the bathroom. I turned the shower on. Right when I was about to head in the shower, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

I saw the scars on my sides and my back. My hair was all tangled and messy and there were huge dark circles below my eyes.

"Oh well that's attractive" I mumbled before stepping into the shower.

I don't usually sleep for more than 5 hours a night. I always wake up with another nightmare that scares me so much that I am afraid to go back to bed. There are many times where I would even use my quirk unconsciously. Ever since I was saved, the nightmares never stopped. The flashbacks of me being ripped from my parents' lifeless bodies and the searing pain from when I was tortured.

As I finished getting dressed, I walked into the kitchen to start making a pot of coffee. The house was so silent that I could swear the dripping of the fresh black coffee was echoing throughout the empty house.

When I turned 14, I decided to move out of Toshinori's house and live independently. With the help of the staff of UA and the money my parents had made from being the top 5 pro heroes, I managed to buy a moderate sized house.

At first, Toshinori was hesitant about my choice. But he knew I was mature than most kids my age and knew I could take care of myself. He was just worried about me living all alone in a quiet empty house.

But that never bothered me. I always enjoyed the silence. I don't usually prefer other people's' company except for Toshinori and a couple of others who had raised me.

There were times though where I would feel lonely. But, Toshinori would always visit as often as he can.

I was just pouring me a cup of coffee when I heard the door slightly open. 'Ah speak of the devil.'

Toshinori was quietly tiptoeing into the house and was slowly closing the door without trying to make any sound. You would think he was a thief coming in to rob the house.

"What are you doing?"

Toshinori jumped. He slowly turned his head. He smiled when he realized it was just me.

"Oh Sakura. I thought you would still be asleep. I didn't want to wake you." He started to make his way into the kitchen. "What are you even doing this up early?"

I glanced at the clock. It was only still 5:30 am.

"I woke up early because I just was so excited to meet this Midoriya" I jokingly replied.

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