Shopping Gone Wrong

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so when i was about finished writing this chapter my computer crashed and it didn't save any of my work so i laid in bed listening to in the end by linkin park and seriously contemplated about life. it was a miracle that i didn't yeet my computer out the window out of pure rage. anyways sorry for the late update


Sakura POV

"She's still sleeping?!"

I grunted at the sudden voice, making me roll on my back as I ignored the immense soreness in my body.

"Keep your voice down, All Might!" I heard Chiyo angrily hiss. "She probably hasn't had a proper rest in awhile. Don't wake her."

"Too late," I groaned, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes before opening them to see Toshinori standing over me in his All Might form.

"Good morning, Little Sakura! It's time to wake up for school! I brought a pair of extra of clothes and necessities to get read-"

"Mhm, thanks Toshi," I mumbled with a tired smile. "Just give me five more minutes...." I shut my eyes again.

"I think someone needs the wake up song."

I cracked open one of my eyes. "Don't you dare, Toshi."

I saw Toshinori puff in chest as he took a deep breath in. Then he opened his mouth and started to sing a song that made my ears want to bleed.

"It's time to wake up! Wake up!
It's time to wake up! Wake up!
Open your eyes! Jump out of bed!
Open your eyes! Jump out of bed!

Find your shoes! Find your sock!
Find your shoes! Find your other sock!
Don't hit the snooze on your alarm clock!

It's time to wake up! Wake up!
It's time to wake up! Wake u-"

"Alright! Alright! I'm up!" I groaned, throwing a pillow at Toshinori to shut him up from singing that horrid song any longer. Just listening to it made me want to swim right into a boat motor.

I grumpily got up from the bed and snatched the bag in his hands and went inside the restroom that was located in Chiyo's office. After finishing getting ready for school and getting one last healing from Chiyo, I made my way towards my classroom.

I let out a big yawn as I walked in the hallway where my classroom was located. Apparently Izuku and Katsuki had woken up a couple of hours after our exam and had already gone home. Unfortunately for me, the painkillers had knocked my ass out completely after just a few moments I had taken them. I winced as I stretched out my arms, still feeling a bit pain in my back. All my muscles were incredibly sore and I still felt exhausted.

And worst of all.... I didn't have my morning caffeine.

I slid open the door to my classroom to see a crying Mina and an very devastated Kirishima, Kaminadi, and Sato.

"E-Everyone," Mina sniffled, big tears trailing down her face from her yellow irises, "I'm looking forward *hiccup* all of your stories of how *hiccup* fun *hiccup* camp was...."

My eyes saddened at my dispirited friends. 'That's right. They didn't pass their exam yesterday.'

"W-We don't know for sure yet," Izuku tried to reassure them, although he sounded unconvinced himself. "There might be a last minute twist! You never know! R-Right, S-Sakura-chan?!"

Izuku frantically looked at me, silently begging me for some backup. I blinked in response, my brain still trying to function without my usual caffeine. "Y-Yeah who knows? Aizawa might change his mind.."

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