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Sakura POV

All I saw was darkness .

I walked around, trying to find any light.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"I pleaded.

"Hello, Sakura. It has been awhile, hasn't it?"

My eyes widened. I knew that voice. The voice that has been haunting my mind my whole life. 'No. It's not him. It's just a dream.'

I turned to see the man I have feared more than anything in my life. 'All for One.'

I tried to run anywhere. Anywhere away from him. But my legs couldn't move. No matter how hard I tried, I was completely frozen.

I heard a chilling laugh. "Now, now. Are you trying to run away again? You know what the consequences are, Sakura." His voice sounded like poison in my ears.

"Leave me alone," I hissed.

He reached his hand to my face. I flinched, trying to move away.

"You cannot escape me. No matter how hard you try to ignore it." He chuckled. "As in a matter of fact, you have already accepted my gift, haven't you? Good, everything is going as planned."

I covered my ears. "No, no you aren't real. This isn't real. This is just a dream." 'Wake up. Wake up right now.'

"Oh? If I am not real, then how could I do this?" He lifted his hand and closed his fist.

I felt a cold pain in my heart. I immediately dropped to my knees. I couldn't breathe. It felt like my skin was burning on fire, but the insides of my body were freezing.

I gasped for air. "W-what.. are.. you.. doing.. to m-me?" I clasped my chest at where my heart was located. I was choking on air, desperately trying to breathe.

A sinister laugh came from his mouth. "Just remember this, Sakura. You will always belong to me."

I immediately opened my eyes, gasping for air and panting. The brightness stung my eyes so bad, I covered them with my hand.

Slowly, I opened up my fingers to let my eyes see a little. I noticed the white ceiling. I moved my other hand and felt a soft fabric underneath my body. The air smelled like scented bleach and the temperature was cold. I finally, removed my hand and looked around.

The room I was in was completely white with curtains on either side of the bed I was in. I heard a certain beeping sound and saw that there was a IV machine next to me. I looked down on my arm and saw that the machine was connected to me. I tried to sit up, which only made me groan in pain.

Then I heard a familiar voice speak up. "Ah, look who's finally awake."

I squinted my eyes and saw a small woman with a bun. "C-chiyo?" I croaked, my voice raspy.

"Mhm. Don't try to make any sudden movements, now. You need to take it easy. How do you feel?"

I rested my forehead against my palm. "Like I just fought against a bunch of villains," I muttered.

Chiyo let out a slight chuckle. "Glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humor, little Sakura. That means you are okay," she says as she handed me a cup of water and pills.

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