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Sakura POV

Beep.... Beep.... Beep....

'Ugh, shut up.'


I heard myself groan as my eyes fluttered open, only to be blinded by the bright light. My eyes quickly shut from the pain. 'Where the hell am I?'

I still kept my eyes shut as I moved my hands around, trying to find out where I was. I felt a soft fabric underneath my body and the air smelled familiar. Slowly, I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings.

I was laying on a bed covered in white sheets and saw that I was wearing a thin and light blue dress. My head slowly shifted to the left and saw other similar empty beds with the same sheets. There were yellow colored curtains to create small cubicles. I felt my body loosen when I realized the familiar surrounding.

'I'm in a hospital, again. That's just great.' But how did I get here?

I closed my eyes as I tried to remember what had happened.

'Hosu City....Nomus....I fought against the Hero Killer with....'

My eyes then shot open as panic started to rise up in my chest.

'My friends! Izuku! Iida! Shoto! Where are they? Are they okay?'


I could barely hear the heart monitor as I only heard the pounding of my heart, racing as I only thought about my friends.

Then without a second thought, I moved to sit up and realized it was a mistake. Pain shot through every inch of my body and I hissed out through clenched teeth. Ignoring it, I had managed to sit up and found myself out of breath from using up my energy. 'I gotta find the guys.'

Suddenly, I heard the door to the empty door slam open. I jerked my head towards the direction of the sound to see a young woman wearing a white coat running up to my bed.

"Woah, easy there, honey," her voice was calm and soothing. "You shouldn't get up right now in your condition."

"Where are my friends? Are they here? Are they okay? I need to see them," my voice was paced and I felt my chest tighten up with worry.


"Okay, I'm going to need you to relax and breathe, hon," she replied, gently placing a hand on mine.

That's when I realized the reason why my chest felt so tight was because I was out of breath from completely freaking out. Closing my eyes, I focused on my heartbeat, which was pumping hard against my chest.

"That's it, breathe in..... breathe out..... breathe in.... breathe out...."

Slowly, I started to breathe at a steadier pace and felt my chest loosen up, the pain now fading.


The lady then let out a sigh of relief. "There we go. Feel better?"

I nodded. "Yes, thank you."

"My name is Dr. Okamoto," she smiled softly. "Your name is Sakura, correct? Glad to see that you're awake," she said as she grabbed a clipboard from the table.

"Miss, what exactly happened?" I questioned, putting a hand to my head. The images of what happened after I was grabbed by the Nomu were all blurry in my mind.

"I believe you had passed out due to the seriousness of your injuries," she stated as she wrote down on her clipboard. "You were transported here immediately after. You're lucky you arrived when you did. Your injuries were fatal and you had lost a lot of blood. But it seems like you healed faster than expected. Healing quirk, I presume?"

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