U.A. Entrance Exam

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3rd POV

The long and tiring ten months have finally passed. It was the end of February, the weather still freezing.

It was the day of the U.A. Entrance Exam.

Sakura and All Might have arrived at the beach park. It was 6am, the sun still not risen yet.

They both got out of the car and headed to the beach. Sakura let out a sleepy yawn. Ever since she told Midoriya about her past, they have gotten closer. She was still in pain, but a little bit of it had diminished from the help of her new friend.

She breathed in the fresh and cool air, and was enjoying the silence of the morning.


Sakura and All Might jumped from the shrilling scream. 'Who in the hell was yelling at this time of the morning?'

Then that's when they saw him.

Midoriya, standing on the tall pile of trash, yelling on the top of his lungs. He was shirtless, his body drenched in sweat. The sun now had finally woke up and was shining it's first light rays on Midoriya.

Sakura and All Might both gasped at the view in front of their eyes.

The beach that used to be covered with trash, was now sparkly clean. There wasn't a single object on the sand and the water was glistening from the sun's reflection.

Sakura couldn't believe it. He had managed to clean the entire beach.

"Hey, hey hey! He even cleaned the outsides!" All Might exclaimed.

Sakura nodded. "It's like there's not even a single spec of dust left. And he finished at the last minute with perfection." She smirked. She couldn't help but feel proud of her pupil.

"Oh my goodness!" All Might then changed into his other form.

Midoriya's legs then buckled. He was purely exhausted. He lost control of his legs and began to fall.

Before Sakura could run to catch him, All Might was already there.

All Might caught the lifeless boy and looked at him with proud eyes. "Good work young Midoriya."

Midoriya gave him a weak smile. "All Might... Sakura-chan.... I did it!"

Sakura smiled. "Yeah. You did it Izuku. You surprised both of us."

She then pulled out her phone. And showed him the picture of himself back then. It was an embarrassing photo of him in tears, shocked from Sakura taking a surprise photo. "Look, this was a photo from you in the beginning of your journey. You used to look like a little shrimp. But look at you now" Sakura said with a tint of pink on her cheeks from how ripped Midoriya was now.

Izuku blushed furiously from her compliment. He looked down at his hand. "I wasn't able to this with you Sakura-chan. You did this all for me. I'm so blessed!" He says with tears rolling down his face.

Sakura shook her head and chuckled. Although she did help him, he achieved this from his hard work. She was proud of him from finishing what seemed like such an impossible goal.

"Oi, oi, oi. Don't start crying now. This was all your doing. You should be proud." Then she ruffled his hair. "But seriously, we are gonna have to fix that sensitive eyes of yours" she says while laughing.

Midoriya smiled. He was so grateful from not only her training, but to have become friends with her. He then attacked her with a hug.

"Thank you Sakura-chan! Thank you! Thank you!" He said between sniffles. 'Thank you for coming into my life and shining a light for me.'

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