Hero Names

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Sakura POV

Everywhere around me was dark. It was dead silent as I only heard my panicky breathing. 'Don't be another nightmare please...'

"It's about time we have a conversation, Sakura."

I turned my head to see a woman I have never seen before. She was a beautiful woman with a strong muscular build. She had short black hair and dark colored eyes.

"Who are you?" I cautiously asked. She didn't seem dangerous but I was still careful.

She let out a warm laugh that made me immediately relax. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm someone who has been watching over you for quite awhile now."

I tilted my head in confusion. She seems familiar in some kind of way.

She put her arms on her hips and smirked. "I'm glad it's you, after all. You have a good heart, Sakura."

"What do you mean you're glad it's me?"

She smiled. "Don't be afraid of who you are, Sakura. You have been through a lot of pain but you always still show strength," she put a hand on my shoulder. "Don't forget where you came from. Keep fighting through that pain."

Then she slowly began to fade away in a tunnel of colors. "Wait! What do you mean?!" I cried out as I reached out. "Who are you?"

"Don't worry, we will meet again," she smirked at me. "You're definitely a tough one. Do your best, Sakura. I believe in you."

"WAIT!" I sat up as I was breathing heavily. I glanced and saw my arm covered with red glowing lines. "What the -"


I jumped up at the sound of my alarm clock. I looked at the time and saw that I had slept through the past two alarms.

"Crap!" I flopped off my bed and headed for the bathroom. I quickly took a shower and dressed in my school uniform. I was hopping on one foot as I was trying to slip on the other shoe with my hair still dripping wet. I cursed in my mind as I realized that I didn't have time to make my coffee. 'What a amazing way to start the day.'

I grabbed my school bag and headed outside. Once I took the first step outside, I saw the overcast sky. It looked like it was going to rain any moment. "Great," I mumbled as I started to jog towards school.

While hurrying to school, I thought back about my dream. 'Who was that lady and why did she seem so familiar? And how did I manage to trigger my One for All in my sleep?' These questions that were swarming in my head were interrupted when I felt a drop of water hit the top of my head. Then, drizzle of rain started to pour down.

I sighed as I raised my hand over my head to create a bubble of water. I guess it was a good thing I didn't have the time to dry my hair.

When I neared then entrance of U.A. High, I suddenly tripped on one of my untied shoelaces. 'Wow, I'm really a mess this morning.'

I bent down and began to retie my shoe when I saw another set of shoes come up in front of me. I realized that the rain has stopped as I heard it hitting onto something.

I tilted my head up and saw Shoto holding an umbrella and he was perfectly dry. "Good morning, Shoto," I smiled up at him.

"You're going to catch a bad cold in your drenched state," he plainly stated. "Did you not check the weather before going out?"

I rolled my eyes as I stood up. "I woke up late so I didn't really have time to grab an umbrella," I shrugged. "Besides, it's easy for me to dry off real quick."

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