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Sakura POV

For years I only saw darkness. No happiness. No light. No hope. I still remember the days I was tortured as clear as water. I remember all the suffering, pain, and darkness.

I was only four years old when it happened.

I remember the night where I lost everything. I remember my parents trying to fight back as the monster ruthlessly murdered them.

I remember the last smile on my mom as she held me and whispered "It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay. Just remember I will always love you." I remember being ripped from my mom's arms by a dark shadow. I remember how much I screamed and cried as I tried to reach for my parents lifeless bodies. I remember all the days I spent everyday crying for someone to save me. For a light to come. Until finally it did.

For years, I didn't smile. I forgot what a joyful laugh sounded like. I forgot what happiness was like. At one point, I thought there were no good people out there. That's how much the years of my suffering has affected me. But that all changed when bright light came. I still remember it clearly to this day. I could never forget it. I remember a single bright light shone upon me in the room of darkness. I remember opening my eyes and seeing him. He had the biggest and brightest smile I have ever seen. I remember him reaching out his hand to me and saying "It's all alright now. I am here. I have come to save you little one." I remember my eyes blinking away the tears and taking his hand. I remember his warmth from his body as he wrapped his arms around me making sure I was safe. It was the first time in years I have ever felt safe.

I was taken out of the room I have spent most of my childhood years getting tortured. I remember the bright sun hitting me in the eyes forcing me to shut them as he took me outside. I remember him taking me away from the dark building. Away from the pain. But I could never forget the dark memories of the place. The smiling man took me to a hospital. He never let me go. He had his strong and safe arms around me the whole time. I remember my blue eyes looking at around as if I was just welcomed to the world for the first time. I remember men in suits trying to ask me questions. I remember not being able to talk because I was deathly afraid. Afraid to speak and look into the eyes of the man who was talking me. I remember being taken into a bright room with a bed. I remember laying in a bed with a nurse with a kind smile as she was feeding me. I remember how I flinched every time as she tried to touch me. I remember looking to the windows of the room as the man with the bright smile and safe arms were talking to the men in suits. After a couple of days being in the room with only the nurse and a doctor to always check up on me, the man with the smile came in. He still had the same smile. He introduced himself as Toshinori Yagi and also known as All Might. He told me that he was a hero that saves innocent people and puts a stop to the villains. I remember just looking at him with my scared eyes.

"What is your name little one?"

"S-s-sakura Asuna" I whispered.

He gave me a warm smile.

"A pretty name for a pretty girl" he said smiling.

He reached to ruffle my hair but I flinched away from his hand. He looked at me with a sad look.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you. I understand you went through a lot of pain right?"

I looked down with tears brimming in my eyes. I slowly nodded.

"I won't let anyone hurt you ever again. I promise."

I looked up and saw him smiling with his eyes closed. I tried to smile back but I couldn't. I forgot to.

He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Are you okay. Are you in pain?" He asked with a worried look .

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