Cavarly Battle

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Sakura POV

After Izuku finally wiped his tears away, Ochaco came up to us.

"Deku! Sakura! Can I join your team?" She asked sweetly.

I smiled at the brunette. "Of course Ochaco!"

Izuku nervously smiled. "Are you sure Uraraka-san? It's going to be hard since everyone is going after us."

She put her fists up in the air. "It's better to team up with people you get along with!"

That's true. It would be easier to communicate that way. Then, I thought of another person we could ask. A certain someone who I had worked well with during a training exercise.

"We should also ask Iida!" She exclaimed.

"Actually, you guys can go ahead and find him," I stated. "There's someone else I think who will want to join," I waved before I turned away into the crowd.

I walked past many teams that were now almost all formed. I looked around and didn't see him in any of the teams. 'Where is he? I know he passed the first test so he should be around here some- '

"Hey, you. Sakura right?" a voice behind me asked.

I turned around to see the same purple haired guy who had declared war against my class. I had totally forgotten his name.

"Shinso Hitoshi," he stated as he put his hand out. 'Ah that was his name.' "Want to join my team?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. Why would he want me to join his team after saying he wanted to beat me? He was up to something..

I just shook my head and put my hand up as I walked past him. I don't know why, but his look gave me sketchy vibes.

I walked past more groups and yet there no sign of the black bird. Then when I reached the outside of the crowd, I spotted him leaning against the wall with arms crossed and eyes closed. I walked over to him.

"Hey Tokoyami. Have you found a team yet?"

Tokoyami opened his eyes. "Hello Sakura," he greeted with a small head bow. "No, I have not found a team yet."

I smiled in relief. "Perfect! How about you join our team then?"

He looked at me with a surprised face. "You want me to join your team? Me, of all people?"

I frowned and tilted my head in confusion. "What do you mean?"

He slightly chuckled. "Forgive me, that was not meant to offend you. It's just that you are one of the most popular and strongest students in our class. Even someone like Bakugo respects you," he says as he motioned his head towards a Katsuki who was currently yelling at his team. "I just found it surprising that someone as powerful as you would want to team up with me."

I bursted out laughing which caused Tokoyami to stare at me in shock. 'Did he just say I was popular? Now that's a first.'

I leant against the wall beside him. "Tokoyami, I could care less about who's stronger and who's not. I like people on how kind they are. And I remember how nice you were to me when we worked together during the heroes vs villains. I really appreciated that," I smiled as I remembered how polite he was even when he didn't know me well. "And there was no way we could have won if it wasn't for you."

He stared at me for a moment before he smiled at the ground. "I appreciate your kind words very much, Sakura. Thank you."

I pushed against the wall to stand. "Besides we all are friends here," I said as I reached out my hand for him to take. "And by the way Tokoyami, I think you are pretty strong yourself, so you should give yourself more respect," I gave him wink.

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