Let it out, the real way

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3rd POV

"Bakugo is out of bounds! The winner is Sakura Asano!"

The crowd erupted into a discordance of cheers and yells of exhilaration. Sakura would usually be annoyed by all the loud and obnoxious sounds, but all her senses were numb. It was like she was underwater and everything around her was slowly being drowned out.

Sakura looked down at her hand. The skin on her knuckles were badly ripped and covered in blood. She definitely had broke her arm and possible a couple of other bones in her body. 'But I don't feel a thing.'

She tilted her head up and saw Bakugo laying on a pile of broken cement. Other than a couple of scratches, he seemed fine for the most part. She felt her chest rise up with guilt as she saw her friend's unconscious state. He had wanted to win so badly that he literally tried to beat her to make her fight back. She remembered how frustrated he had looked and how he yelled at her desperately.

"The winner of this year's first-year U.A. sports festival is.... from Class A, Sakura Asano!" Present Mic's voice was so loud that it almost shook the stadium.

Sakura slowly lifted herself up from the floor. She saw medics running out to the stadium and ran straight towards Bakugo. They gently lifted his body and put him on a stretcher.

"Sakura," Midnight called out to the girl. "Do you need medics to escort you to Recovery Girl?" She was clearly worried about her. Midnight might not seem like a motherly type, but when it came to Sakura, she saw her as a daughter.

Sakura shook her head slowly. "I'm fine," she bluntly replied. She turned to to make her way out of the stadium. She just wanted to get out of here and go somewhere quiet where she could sulk alone. As she was walking slowly, she made a mistake of looking up.

Shoto was standing up as his hair was slightly blowing in the wind. His heterochromatic eyes were staring down at her intensely. They locked eyes for a few moments before Sakura looked away and looked straight ahead towards the exit. 'I can't imagine what he thinks of me right now.' She thought to herself as she hung her head down low.

Shoto frowned as he saw her limping off the field. Then he immediately started to make his way to the stairs, pushing and shoving through the other students. He received dirty looks from them as he ran past them, but he didn't care. 'I need to find Sakura. I need to make sure she's okay.' He thought to himself as he remembered the lonely tear that rolled down her cheek.

"The awards ceremony will take place as soon as our finalists are ready! For the time being, please pay attention to the screen for some informational videos about U.A....."

Sakura stepped inside the darkness of the tunnel as she escaped the excited cheers of the crowd. She started to feel a little more comfortable as the sounds from the stadium slowly began to fade away. She kept her gaze on the ground as she walked down the hallway. 'I don't even deserve to be up there for the awards ceremony. I don't deserve the audience's applause and support. I'm just a big fake. I'm a goddamn mon-'

But Sakura's last thought was interrupted by sound of fast footsteps coming towards her.


Sakura looked up to see her green-haired friend running towards her with a big smile on his face. "Izuku?"

"Congratulations!" He flashed a smile as he now stood in front of her. "I can't believe you won the whole Sports Festival! I'm so proud of you!"

The last sentence made Sakura choke on guilt. 'How could he say that he's proud of me?' But Sakura managed to let out a slight smile. "Thanks, Izuku."

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