Because I Care

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3rd POV

Shinso took a seat at the empty part of the spectator's area of the stadium and sighed in frustration. He couldn't believe that he lost his match. He thought he had the win for sure when he got Midoriya to talk back to him. He definitely didn't expect for him to create a disruption to get out of his mind-control.

"Oh hey it's you."

Shinso turned around and saw Sakura Asano standing behind him. She had one of her headphones plugged in.

Shinso rolled his eyes. "Are you here to make fun of me since I threatened you and your whole class and ended up losing?" He remembered how cocky he acted and now he was the fool.

Sakura took a seat next to him. "No, although I did find you kind of an asshole on that day. I mean you did make fun of my size," she said as she put her feet up on the seat in front of her.

"Are you here for an apology then?" Shinso scoffed. He knew he had made some rude comments about her not looking like much, but he was completely wrong about that. He's seen what she was capable of during the Sports Festival. She was incredibly skilled and strong-headed. But, of course he would never admit that.

"Pshh, no. I came here to talk to you about your quirk," she nonchalantly says as she wraps the headphones around her phone before putting it in her pocket.

Immediately, Shinso got annoyed. "Oh I see, you came here to tell me that I have a villain quirk then. That I could never be a hero because my quirk is scary."

Sakura let out a laugh which surprised Shinso. "Are you kidding? I think your quirk is awesome! Like mind-control? It's so cool that you could have complete control of somebody. You can like totally take down a bunch of villains just like that," she says as she snapped her fingers.

Shinso didn't know what to say. Did the strongest student in Class 1-A just say that his quirk was cool? That he was cool? "You aren't scared of me?"

Sakura raised her eyebrows. "Why would I be scared of a scrawny purple-haired guy with a big mouth," she lets out a giggle.

Shinso was taken aback from her answer. He really didn't this expect out of her. He thought she was like all the others from her class. Arrogant and conceited.

"Don't you think it's more of a villain quirk?" People has always been afraid of him because of his ability. They had always laughed at him when he said he wanted to be a hero.

Sakura shook her head. "Not at all. I think you're gonna go really far as a hero with that quirk."

"Why are you complimenting me after I made fun of you in front of all those people." Shinso honestly wasn't used to people complimenting his quirk and the fact that she was, of all people, made him skeptical.

Sakura just shrugged. "I'm just saying the truth. And your weak insults didn't really bother me. It's not the first time someone has underestimated me," she says with a smirk. People have always made fun of her size, but they would immediately shut down after she would beat their asses.

Suddenly, Shinso felt bad about what he had said and acted earlier. "Sorry about what I said about you not looking strong. I was clearly wrong."

Sakura let out her hand. "You're all forgiven. Let's just start new. I'm Sakura," she smiled friendly at him.

Shinso gladly shook her hand. "Shinso Hitoshi but just call me Shinso."

Then they were interrupted my Present Mic's voice. "Alright time for the second match to begin!"

Sakura jerks to the head to the screen and sees it was Sero and Todoroki's match.

"He likes to give his opponents a sticky time. Give it up for Hanta Sero!"

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