I Promise

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Sakura POV

"Okay, I am here! It's time to get back to training!"

I was putting my hair into a ponytail as I stood with my classmates on one of the many training grounds in U.A. We were all back in our hero costumes, waiting for more details about today's lesson from Toshinori.

"Today's lesson is Hero Basic Training," Toshinori continued as he placed his hands on his hips. "Long time no see, boys and girls! How have you been?!

For this time's hero basic training- Since you've all just gotten back from your internships, we'll have some fun with a rescue training race!"

I tightened my ponytail as a an excited smile crept up to my face. I always enjoyed exercises with a little competition added to it. And races were my specialty.

Iida's hand then shot up suddenly, his arm perfectly straight. "If we are doing rescue training, then shouldn't we be at USJ?"

I tilted my head forward as I stood beside Shoto. I caught a glimpse of Izuku who was looking beyond enlivened, with his fists raised in front of him and his green eyes wide open. I put a hand to my mouth, snickering from the adorable sight. 'He's such a fanboy when it comes to Toshi.'

"That place is for training for disasters," Toshinori answered. His voice then suddenly became low, giving off a creepy vibe, as he continued. "Don't you remember what I said? That's right! I said race!"

Then we turned out gazes to the lit giant screen in front of us and all my classmates gasped from sight. It was a sky level view of the training ground. It was a city that was completely made out of steel. Pipelines traveled under and over each other, creating a maze of pathways throughout buildings of various sizes throughout the complex. 

'Field Gamma.' I smiled at the familiar sight. This used to be my favorite hiding spot as a little girl when I didn't want to be found. There was even one time, that all the teachers spent all night trying to find me, leading them to furious when they finally found me.

"This is Field Gamma!" Toshinori declared. "Inside is a dense area filled with factories that are laid out like an intricate labyrinth. You will be competing in groups of five.

Each person will start in a different location inside the model city. When I send out a distress signal from somewhere inside, you will all race to come rescue me. Whoever finds me first, wins!"

"But of course," Toshinori slowly puts his hand down to point at a specific someone, "you'll have to keep damage to buildings to a minimum."

"Don't point at me," Katsuki growled, turning his head away in embarrassment for being called out. I giggled at his behavior. Usually, that hot head would be blowing things up by now, but even he wouldn't dare to stand up to Toshinori.

"Alright! First group, get in place!"

"This sure is going to be interesting," I said as I adjusted my belt. My costume was fully patched up, courtesy of Endeavor's little helpers. "This training is going to test us if we can make quick decisions while on the move," I stated as I saw Izuku, Iida, Mina, Sero and Ojiro take off into the metal city.

I heard Shoto hum in agreement as he glued his eyes on the screen, watching our fellow classmates took their places. I carefully studied my friends' expressions as they prepared to take off. They all looked so determined, eager to win. 'Looks like everybody has also changed after spending a week at their internships.' I smiled at the sight. It was nice to see the confidence in my friends' eyes.

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