Attack On USJ

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Sakura POV

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groaned as I hit the alarm clock snooze button. I slowly got up and got ready for school.

I remembered Aizawa telling us that there was going to be a special class today. I called Toshinori last night to see if he would give any hints on what it was, but the old man just snickered and didn't tell me anything.

As I was brushing my hair, I thought about the conversation I had with the certain two-colored hair boy yesterday. I suddenly found my face get hot. I looked at myself in the mirror.

Although the usual eye bags was still there, I noticed a difference in my eyes. Instead of the usual dark and lifeless pupils I usually saw, my blue eyes were now lighter and had a certain glow. 'Huh, that's something new.'

I went to my kitchen to make a big cup of coffee. I grabbed my backpack and locked the door on the way out. I started making my way to school.

As I was spinning rocks with my quirk, I thought about what the training could possibly bring today. When I reached the path, where Todoroki and I split ways yesterday, I saw him standing with his hands in his pockets.

"Good morning, Todoroki," I greeted with a smile.

"Morning, Sakura," he greeted back with the usual emotionless face. I shrugged. It would probably take some time for him to smile. It was a pretty big step that he actually waited for me, so we could walk together to class.

As we walked side by side, he noticed the coffee cup in my hand. "Aren't you a little young to be drinking coffee?"

"Oh I have been drinking coffee since I was like ten." He raised his eyebrows at this. "I don't really get a lot of sleep, so coffee is essential for me to get me going in the mornings."

"Why don't you get a lot of sleep?" He questioned with a slight head tilt.

"Just have a weird sleeping schedule, that's all," I waved with a hand. I did not want to tell him about my ongoing nightmares. I have never shared that with anyone.

He didn't seem convinced, but he didn't say anything. We made our way into the classroom to be greeted with our classmates.

I still didn't really know all of my classmates names, but I was starting to learn them.

"Hey Sakura! Ready for the training session today? I heard it was going to be pretty interesting." Kirishima said while flashing me his pointy teeth.

"Yeah. I'm pretty excited," I admitted.

"I wonder if we will get to wear our costumes today," Ojiro questioned as he rubbed his chin.

"Oh I hope so. Hey Sakura. You should wear the skin tight costume of yours today. Because your body looked-" Mineta was cut off by something behind me.

I turned to Todoroki glaring daggers at him. I noticed that ice had starts to form around his knuckles on his right hand. His death stare sent Mineta whimpering away.

"You okay, Todoroki?" I looked at him worriedly. His glare was definitely something scary. And that's something coming from me, because I knew my glare could sometimes kill.

He then looked at me and his expression softened a bit. "Yeah," he replied. "Just tell me whenever that pervert tries to do something to you." He then walked over to his seat.

I blinked in confusion. What was that about? I shook my head a little to snap myself out of it and headed to talk a little more with the students.

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