You're Not Serious..

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8 years later..

Sakura POV

"All Might has done it again. He saved the two middle school students from the villain..."

I sighed and turned the TV off.

'This idiot I swear..'

I got up and headed over to the kitchen where everything was all set up. I had made his favorite meal. Homemade hamburgers. And he was late. 'The nerve on this guy..'

I sat in my seat rested my chin on my palm. I scrolled through my phone, reading the articles about the villain incident that happened this afternoon.

Then I heard the door slam open.

"I AM HERE AND I AM... 45 minutes late.." Toshinori walks in while checking his watch.

He was in his true form. His face bones clearly showing and clothes so baggy you'd think they would fall off.

I sighed. "Toshinori you're late."

Toshinori gulped. "I am so sorry Sakura. I ran into a little incident" he says chuckling while scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah you know I think I heard about that somewhere" I say while switching the TV back on. It was a footage of All Might fighting and villain and sending him into the sky.

All Might sweat dropped. "Heh what do you know" he says giving out a nervous laugh.

I took a deep breath. " Come sit. Your burger is ready, but it's cold. That's on you." I say pointing at his seat.

Toshinori gives me a big smile and heads over to the table. Before he sits, he ruffles my hair. He started to dig in.

I take a bite out of my burger. I noticed the blood spot on the front of his white t-shirt. I sighed.

"Toshi, was it really necessary to step into that situation with the villain. I mean he was a low life villain. The pros could have handled it."

Toshinori wipes his mouth. "I know little Sakura, but there were kids in danger! They were the same age as you. I couldn't just walk away from that."

I looked at his fragile body sadly. "You have to save your energy and power for more important situations, Toshinori. What are you gonna do when you are actually in a life threatening situation and you won't be able to transform?"

"No need to worry Sakura. I still got years on this baby" He says while transforming into his All Might body and flashing a smile while pointing finger guns at me.

My lips formed into a thin line. I knew he was lying. I know he's only got a short amount of time before his time runs out.

"Alright alright just finish you dinner" I said as I rolled my eyes.

Toshinori transformed back with a 'poof' sound and smoke surrounding him. He started eating again.

I just stared at him while he finished his meal. I worry about him all the time. He might be the number one hero but he acts like a complete child.

I was about to get up and start cleaning when he said something that caught my attention.

"You know I found someone."

I froze. I turned my head to him and stared straight at him in the eyes with my eyebrows raised.

"Did you now? Who is it?"

"One of the kids I saved this afternoon."

"The hedgehog with the anger problems?" I asked with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh god no. The other one."

"The idiot that ran into the fire with no plan whatsoever? Really? Him?" I said. 'There's no way. He's got to be joking.'

Toshinori lightly chuckled. "Yes that one. He rushed in knowing his life would be in danger to save his hot headed friend. He has an aspect of a true hero."

"Wait you're actually serious about this. You really think he is the one?" I choked out.

"Yes I am dead serious. I want him to be my successor to who I pass it on to." Toshinori said with a serious tone.

"But the kid looked so weak and fragile! Sparky would be the better choice! He at least has a powerful quirk."

"Yes he is small and weak. But that didn't stop him rushing in bravely even though he has no quirk." Toshinori says while getting up with the empty dish in his hand.

"Wait hold on, he's quirkless?" My eyebrows raised.

"Yes. But being quirkless won't stop him or anyone for that matter from becoming a hero" He says while he starts to wash the dish.

I just sat there. He's got to have a concussion or something from that fight. There's no way he wants to choose that scrawny kid to be the next holder for One for All.

"You will see when you meet him. The kid has a true heart to becoming a hero. Yes, he acted on stupidity rushing in with no quirk. He knew he could have been killed but that didn't stop him from trying to save his friend from dying. That is what makes him a true hero. When I saw his determination, that reminded me what a hero is." He finished cleaning his dish and put it away. He walked over to grab mine.

My half eaten burger was still there. But I had lost my appetite. I was still trying to process the information.

"Come on finish your dinner."

"Wait hold on. What do you mean when I meet him?" I looked at him, ignoring his remark.

Toshinori sighs. "I want you to help him train. Help him train so he could be the next holder for One for All."

I choked on air. "W-what?! You want ME to train him?! W-why me?" Why is he involving me now into this crazy situation?

"Yes Sakura. I want you to do it. You know the right way to train for this power. Besides you train all the time. It wouldn't hurt to have a practice partner... or a student" he said with a frown.

"Oh no way. No way am I getting involved in your crazy decision." I said shaking my head. Why should I train him? That kid is no way the next user.

"Sakura, I am asking you this as a favor. For me. I am dead serious on this one."

I looked up to see his piercing blue eyes. I gulped. Oh yeah. He's actually serious. 'But still. Why me? Why doesn't he just train him himself if he thinks he's the one?'

I took a deep breath. God I'm going to so regret this.

"Fine. I'll train this kid. Only because you're asking. Not because I actually think this guy is worthy." I say finally.

"Thank you Sakura. I promise you won't regret this. I'll make it up to you." Toshinori says ruffling my hair. 'Yeah sure.'

"Oh yeah. You'll definitely make it up to me." I pouted.

Toshi laughed. "Come on finish your dinner." I'm going to start heading home. It's getting late. I'll see you early in the morning so you can meet him." He starts to walk towards the door.

"Wait. What's the kid's name?" I asked curiously.

All Might smile. "Midoriya. Izuku Midoriya." He says before he leaves.

I just sat there. I was not expecting this tonight at dinner. I groaned. "He's actually lost it. The old man has lost his damn mind" I grumbled.

I get up and throw the rest of my dinner away and wash the plate. I start getting ready for bed.

I get in my bed and reach to turn the lamp off. I lay in bed thinking in the dark.

'Izuku Midoriya huh'. I wonder what he'll be like. I finally closed my eyes and fell asleep wondering what tomorrow will bring.

A/N: Okay I know there's a pretty big time skip from the last chapter to this one. But there will be flashbacks of Sakura's childhood with All Might!!!

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