Yoga with the Hothead

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Sakura POV

There was just a couple of days left until the Sports Festival. I've been training usually by myself or with Izuku. Even though I had strong feelings about the Sports Festival, I still trained my hardest so I wouldn't embarrass myself. Besides, this was my chance to get a pro hero to notice me and get me a internship at their agency.

At school, I would hang with Izuku, Uraraka, and Iida. I had gotten really close with those three, especially Uraraka. Whenever we had to change in the locker rooms for training, she would always stand in front of me so no one would notice my scars. She never asked about them, as she knew I was self conscious about it. She really was a angel from heaven.

As for Todoroki, I haven't talked to him since our last conversation. He didn't walk with me on the way home or to school. And whenever we would ended running into each other, he would just quickly turn away before I could even say anything to him.

Maybe I had scared him away by telling the truth about me. I wouldn't blame him. But, I felt lonelier than ever before. I missed my friend.

And that feeling didn't help with the big ball of stress building up inside of me. I would pour out my anger during training, but a lot of times I would overdo it. Like one time during school training, I accidentally almost scorched Aizawa when using my elemental quirk. I had to run extra miles for that one.

No matter how long and hard I trained, the anger was still there, rising up. I needed to find a way to release it before I would do something I regret.

So after school, I decided to go train at one of the dojo's in town. I quickly ran home, changed into some leggings and a tank top, grabbed my gym bag and headed for the dojo. I thought destroying some dummies would help relieve my stress.

I entered the building and went up to the man at the counter. As I was pulling out money for the man, he noticed my U.A. ID.

"Oh, you're a U.A. student?"

I just hummed a response, not wanting to make conversation.

The man smiled. "There's also been a U.A. student coming here everyday training for the Sports Festival." He then smiled nervously. "Although, he does destroy a lot of our equipment during his exercises."

I just nodded and thanked the man before grabbing my room key.

As I walked through the hallway to find my room, I heard a familiar phrase.


I froze. 'I know that scream from anywhere.' I started to follow the sound of explosions until I reached his room. I opened the door to reveal a very sweaty, yet scary face.

He was destroying all the dummies as if they were made out of paper. His movements were fast and swift. I couldn't help but admire how impressive his close combat skills were.

When the timer buzzed and I saw that he had destroyed all the targets, I clapped. "Not bad, sparky."

He quickly turned his head to the door. He wiped the sweat off his face, "What the hell are you doing here, small fry?"

I frowned. 'Small fry? That's new.' "I came here to train, obviously" I replied as I walked inside and closed the door. "And how the hell am I a small fry?"

He smirked. "It's because you're so damn small, obviously."

I rolled my eyes. I dropped my bag next to his. And I sat down to stretch.

"Oi! What do you think you're doing?"

I straightened my legs and reached for them. "What do you think? I'm here to train with you," I replied as I put my head down on my knees with ease. I always stretched before and after training. This made me improve my flexibility a lot.

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