Two Heroes - Chapter Six

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I sincerely apologize for this chapter. It's so bad.

"Those damn brats."

Wolfram growled in annoyance as he landed onto the ground after somehow managing to unhook himself from a hanging piece of metal.

He began to crawl away, the scowl on his deepening as he heard the joyful and mocking cheers from the teenagers in the far-off in the distance. Oh, how wish he could turn those shouts of victory into cries of despair, but he knew better than to try to face the high schoolers in his current condition. The island's police still hadn't made an appearance yet, giving the villain hope that he still had a chance to perform a quiet escape.

But before he could get far, he suddenly felt a harsh pressure on his back, putting a stop to his pathetic getaway.

"Going somewhere?" A female voice spoke out in a faux curious tone, making the trapped villain grit his teeth in annoyance. Although, he has only heard voice since this night, it had quickly managed to crawl into his brain and

Wolfram turned his head to see the raven-haired smiling down at him, her eyes closed.

The villain lazily swung his fist at her, but the girl grabbed his forearm, preventing his attack.

"Huh, guess you still need a good beating," Sakura noted curiously, digging her fingers deep into the flesh of the villain's arm, making him groan in discomfort from the tight grip. "Let me fix that for you."

With her free arm, she directed her fist downwards onto the man's central area of his arm, following with two elbow jabs and one to his face. Sakura twisted his arm around, making the villain's back face towards her and dug her foot in the back of his knee.

Many grunts of agony elicited from the man but before he could react, he felt her foot plant against his back. The villain choked at the hard impact, making him wonder how in the world she still had strength in her tank. Had she not spent it all up when fighting him?

He fell onto his hands and knees and Sakura pressed forward, grabbing his shoulder firmly. One finger pressed into where his recent incision was, and the other on a pressure point, jabbing into both of them and forcing the man helplessly onto his knees.

"Seriously, dude?" Sakura asked with a hopeless sigh, keeping a stronghold on the man. "I mean you just got embarrassingly defeated by me a few seconds ago. What makes you think you have a chance now?" She then changed her grip on the man, digging her fingers into the back of his coat collar.

"Besides, I don't want to fight you," She commented, dragging the limp body towards the edge of the roof. "You see, we didn't get to finish our conversation earlier."

The man certainly had no strength to fight back against the teenage girl, letting himself be pulled across the roof, although he had enough energy to talk back against the girl. "As if I say anything to you, little girl."

Sakura let out a bored hum from his words, not at all surprised at his response as she reached closer to the edge of the skyscraper. "I had a feeling you would say that even if I have asked nicely. That's why..." Sakura then switched her grip, grabbing onto the front of the villain's vest before swinging him off the roof. "I'm not really asking."

The villain suddenly gained a new burst of energy, letting out a terrified scream as he felt his body become completely weightless. He would have plummeting off the roof by now if it hadn't been for the raven-haired girl's sturdy grip on him.

"Y-You're crazy!" The villain spat as his eyes shifted downwards at the long distance from the ground then back to his captor.

Sakura only smirked, not feeling offended at all by his comment. "You're just realizing this now? You're not the sharpest tool in the shed, now are you?"

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