Don't Blame Yourself

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hey y'all i hope you had a good week :)

so sorry for the late update but i was really busy with school this week preparing for registration day and worked on this chapter on every chance I got.


Sakura POV

"Alright then," Aizawa announced. "Each team will take the practical exam in order on the prepared stage. Sato, Kirishima, get ready."

"Yes, sir!" Both of them answered, looks of determination on their faces as the rest of the teachers walked away.

"Those waiting their turn can watch the exams or think of strategies as a team. Do what you want. That's all."

Then my sleepy uncle walked off with the other teachers, leaving the rest of us in silence. I shuddered as hundreds of dreadful scenarios of Katsuki abusing the shit out of Izuku flooded my mind. 'How do I get those two to work together? Izuku will listen but Katsuki on the other hand....'

I let out a sigh. I could already feel the migraine that I was most likely going to get from my team. 'And my exam hasn't even started yet...'

"Alright...." I turned to Shoto and Momo, giving them the most encouraging smile I could summon. "Well, good luck to the both of you. Aizawa is someone that is tricky to go up against but I have no doubt that you guys will find a way to defeat him. Do me a favor and make sure to totally beat his ass," I muttered, still annoyed that Aizawa had thrown me into the same group as Katsuki and Izuku.

"Thank you, Sakura," Momo replied, returning a smile of her own. "Good luck to you, as well..." She then glanced sideways to my two teammates. "If anyone in this world can get those two to work together, it will be you, for sure."

'I seriously doubt that.' I thought as I gazed to the two boys. 'Those two are like water and fire. One was always calm and soothing and the other was dangerous and uncontrollable.'

My brows furrowed when I saw Katsuki brush off Izuku, leaving the freckled boy frowning as he walked away. 'Izuku probably wants to talk strategy, seeing that we are going up against the number one hero. But of course, Katsuki walks off somewhere, no doubt to whine about his match up...'

Letting out another tired sigh, I turned back to my friends with a small smile. "Well, I better go and let you guys strategize. Good luck again."

I then turned around and began walking away from the team.


I halted at Shoto's voice, slowly turning back around to see him staring intently at me, his pretty colored eyes sparkling in the sun. He took a couple of steps towards me, closing the distance between us. I felt my heart race, once again thinking back about that moment at the park.

"Yeah? What's up?" I questioned, mentally slapping myself for sounding so nervous.

"Just... Be careful, okay?"

I blinked, completely stunned from what he had just said. It wasn't the first time he has told me this. In fact, I heard him say this to me countless times. But somehow it was different this time. I studied his eyes that were holding so much worry and concern. I had seen that familiar expression so many times- back at the USJ attack, the Sports Festival, when I had challenged Endeavor, our fight against the Hero Killer, and when he had been there to comfort me during my panic attacks.

And that's when I realized it. 'He cares. He cares about me.' I thought, a sad smile taking upon my lips as I noticed his eyes broke contact from mine and saw his hands slightly shaking as he closed them into fists. All my life, I have closed myself off, only letting a small amount of people in. But ever since my friendship with Shoto began, I slowly felt my old self go and started to enjoy the feeling of knowing that I had a shoulder to lean on when needed. The IcyHot boy had grown on me and there was no doubt that I cared deeply for him too.

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