Getting Closer

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3rd POV

A couple of months has passed by since Sakura met Midoriya. They have been training everyday. Whether it was early in the morning before school, in the afternoons, or even on the weekends.

And Izuku was dying. Every. Single. Day.

All Might was not joking. Sakura's training schedule was intense. She wouldn't just train Izuku rigorously, but she would do the exercises with him. And she did every single one flawlessly.

Sometimes, All Might would help train Midoriya, but most of the times he would watch from the sidelines. Sakura would scold his ass about him needing to save his body and strength.

Midoriya felt like he was slowly getting stronger everyday, but he would feel so embarrassed that a girl would see him struggling so much.

One time, when he was dying from trying to pull a heavy object, Sakura pulled out her phone and took a picture of his face. He wanted to jump off a cliff.

But Sakura never judged him. Even though she trained him harshly, she always gave him words of encouragement and she would never get angry with him. She just always tried to give him helpful tips to improve.

Day by day, Izuku's admiration for her grew. She was incredibly skillful and strong. Even when Midoriya would take breaks, Sakura would do her own training. He couldn't help but notice how swift and precise her movements are.

But even if they spent every day with each other, Midoriya didn't know a lot about her. In fact, he didn't even know what her quirk was.

Izuku was always super nervous when it came to girls. Especially someone as gorgeous as Sakura.

He always noticed how she always had on a emotionless face. He rarely saw her smile and never even heard her laugh once. To Midoriya, she looked like she was sad but was hiding it behind a strong face.

One day, he finally had the courage to ask her.

It was Fall. The leaves were brown and crunchy and they were slowly falling to the ground.

Sakura and Midoriya were on a run. Midoriya was carrying a microwave on his shoulder when his vision started to get blurry.

Sakura was in the zone until she head a thud. She stopped and turned to see Midoriya on the ground.

"Oi. What's wrong? Come on get up. There's only three months left you know," Sakura said with a hand on her hip.

But then she stopped scolding him when she realized that his whole body was trembling. She exactly knew this sign.

Sakura sighed. Clearly annoyed she said, "Midoriya you have been overworking yourself haven't you?"

Midoriya stayed silent. He knew she was angry and was deathly afraid of her reaction. He was more afraid of her than his own mother.

"Why haven't you been sticking to the plan baka?! The schedule I made for you was perfectly adjusted for your body to make sure you'd make it in time for the entrance exam! Overworking your body would just throw everything away!" Sakura was furious. She shook her head. Why would he do that? His body wouldn't be able to handle doing more training let alone the her schedule she made for him.

"Don't you want to go to U.A?! Isn't that your goal here?"

Midoriya closed his fist. Out of breath he replies, "I do. More than anything. But I can't just get in like this... I have to work ten times harder than other people or I won't be able to make it."

Sakura was surprised at his response. Midoriya shakily gets up. His eyes full of tears but yet determination.

"I want to be strong as All Might and you. I want to become the greatest hero!" He yelled.

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