Challenge Match

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Sakura POV

"You all have your costumes, right?"

I was currently standing at the train station with my classmates. Today was the day we would all depart for our internships. We finally got to wear our hero costumes again since we were working with pro heroes.

"Remember, you aren't allowed to wear them in public. Don't drop or lose them," Aizawa grumbled.

"Gotcha!" Mina burst out excitedly, lifting her suitcase above her head.

Aizawa glared at her. "Speak properly! It's 'Yes Sir,' Ashio," he scolded.

Mina's smile immediately disappeard, obviously humiliated. "Yes, Sir..."

I let out a small giggle from her adorable behavior. She was sometimes a little too perky.

"Make sure to mind your manners with the other heroes during your internships, you won't be the only ones there," Aizawa said. "Now get to it. Navigate to your specific agencies," he grumbled.

'Mind my manners?' I smirked as the image of Endeavor's big head to mind. 'Nah, I think not.'

"Yes, Sir!"

"Ready for our internships?" I cheerfully asked as I turned to face Shoto.

"I still don't think this is a good idea, Sakura." He replied, his voice holding worry and serious warning. He has spent the whole week trying to change my mind about going to his father's agency, but my decision was final.

"Oh come on," I whined. "You should be excited that you get to have me by your side all week long," I teased as I shoulder bumped him.

Shoot rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Sometimes Sakura, you're impossible to handle," he sighed in exasperation.

I felt my cheeks heat up. "Hey! I am not!" I pouted which made him let out a small smile.

"Sakura, may I speak to you for a moment?"

I turned my head to see Aizawa a couple of feet behind me. 'Huh. What does he want to talk about?' I slowly made my way towards him. We haven't really talked since our last talk. I was still annoyed at him from our conversation about Iida.

"What's up?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

He let out a tired sigh. "Look kid, I know you're still upset about Iida. You're a good classmate to look after him," he put his hand and ruffled my hair. "But don't try to worry so much, kay? Try to focus on yourself this week."

I was stunned for a bit from his words. Was this his way of apologizing? I knew he wasn't the best with the heartfelt words. "Okay, thanks Uncle Aizawa," I smiled.

He then put a hand on my shoulder and looked sternly into my eyes. "Also, try not to do anything stupid. I know you, so don't go throwing yourself in danger," he warned.

"Danger? Sorry, never heard of her," I joked.

Then he sent me a glare that made me gulp. "Yeah, yeah okay. I will. I promise," I replied. I gave him a quick hug before turning away.

I said my quick farewells to Ochaco and Izuku. I wished all the luck to Izuku and told him to make sure Gran Torino eats healthy. I even managed to wish luck to Katsuki at his internship at Best Jeanist. I had a funny image of him wearing skinny jeans in my head I was about to head back to the bi-colored boy when someone caught my attention. Iida was walking away right in my line of vision.

A couple of days ago, news about his brother's attack had spread everywhere. The villain was someone named the Hero Killer: Stain and that he had killed seventeen other heroes already, all across the country. It made me angry hearing about all the heroes that he had killed. And the fact that he had severely injured my friend's family member, made it seem personal.

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