Two Heroes - Chapter 5

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Happy turkey day ya'll.

Sakura POV

"Such wise words, little girl," Wolfram stated, a deep chuckle escaping his throat. "He was right about you, after all. You truly are something else."

I froze on the spot, and I could have sworn my heart stopped pumping blood throughout my body as I felt my veins turn ice cold. Very slowly, I tore my eyes away from my uncle and soon enough I was staring at the back of the villain's head. 

"What did you just say?"

My eyes suspiciously narrowed as I heard him let out a breathy laugh before running his mouth again. "He warned me that the chances of me running into you would be likely. From the words he used to describe you, I was taken aback from your appearance. I didn't think the frightening villain would speak so highly of a little girl."

I felt my teeth grind in annoyance as I gripped the handle of the handgun even harder, my knuckles turning white. The gun began to shake in my hand and the sound of my heartbeat pounded in my ears. There was no way that he could have been the mastermind of this night, right? 

I cursed in my head at my beyond stupidity. Of course he was. This whole situation has his fingerprints all over it. That monster would take any chance to eliminate the world's symbol of peace, even if it was on his vacation. How All for One had found out that we were going to be on the artificial island at this time, I didn't know. And I wasn't sure if I wanted to know. 

I have never felt so stupid, so imbecilic in my entire life. I remember how reckless I was when agreeing to go on this trip, the thought of anything bad happening not crossing my mind once. No, I was too preoccupied worrying my dumb little head over Shoto like some pathetic teenage girl. 

Like I said before, fuck my life.

It took all my willpower to refrain from pinching my nose bridge right there and then. I was so going to punch Toshi the next time I see him.

"You know he told me that I couldn't kill you if I tried," he continued to talk, snapping my attention at him again. "Shall we test out his theory?"

Before I could go over his words in his mind, I heard something explode from the walls. My eyes widened to see multiple vines of metal spiraling towards me. 'Shit.' 

I dodged just in time, performing a handless cartwheel to distance myself from the immediate threat. "Dammit," I muttered under my breath as I landed on my feet, mentally berating myself for falling into his trap and getting distracted. 

"But you know what he said," Wolfram was now turned around to face me, with a wicked smiling on his face, "He said you don't have the stomach to kill me. That that was your only weakness. I knew from the beginning that you wouldn't shoot me, little girl."

"Heh, you're right," I replied back. "Guns aren't my preferred choice of weapon," I tossed the handgun to the side and brought my hands to my eye level, curling them into fists. "No, I would much rather beat the shit out of with my own hands instead."

"Show me that terrifying strength of yours, little girl," The villain threw his head back, letting out such a deranged laugh, making me seriously think this guy needed therapy. "Come to me and we can get this over with!"

'Fucking men. They all share the same braincell, I swear,' I thought to myself a bitter smile creeping up to my lips. "Nah," I simply said, my tone sounding aloof. Wolfram's expression then turned into a surprised one as I raised my hand, motioning him with my fingers. "You come to me."

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