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Sakura POV

Because of the USJ incident, we had a couple of days off of school. I mostly spent those days doing homework, studying, and training. My body was still recovering so I had to take it easy.

During those days, I kept thinking about what happened. I was so mad at myself for using One for All. I have to keep practicing controlling my emotions, so it wouldn't happen again.

I also thought about the conversation with Todoroki. I felt like I could trust him, but a voice in my mind kept asking me 'what if he thinks I'm some kind of monster? What if everyone thinks I'm a monster?'

After those torturous days of overthinking was over, I woke up and got ready to go to school. As usual, I made my daily big cup of coffee. After I put my jacket on and was taking a sip of my drink, I opened the door to reveal...

"Todoroki?!" I almost spit out my coffee. Thank god I didn't. That would have been embarrassing.

Todoroki just looked at me with the same expression. "Good morning, I was wondering if you wanted to walk to school together?"

'Now he wants to pick me up from my house and wants to walk to school together?' Without thinking, I smiled. "Yeah, that sounds great."

On the way to school with Todoroki, I kept thinking about how I will face my classmates after what they all witnessed I did at USJ. What if they think I'm some sort of freak?

I must have thought about it the whole time because when I looked up, we were already in front of our class door. I stopped and sighed.

Todoroki noticed my behavior. "What are you doing? Aren't you coming in?"

I felt embarrassed. "Yeah. It's just..... what if they think I'm some sort of freak? What if they are scared of me now?"

Todoroki shook his head. "They aren't going to think that."

I tilted my head. "How do you know?"

He shrugged, "I just know," he reached to open the door.

Before I could reply, he had already opened the door.

"Sakura! You're here!"

Immediately, all of my classmates turned their heads to see me and then my ears were filled with cries of enjoyment and excitement. I then was attacked by all of them with a group hug and they were all asking me questions if I was okay.

"We were so worried about you!"

"Yeah! You were so bad ass though!"

"So manly!" I'm guessing that was Kirishima.

I was not used to this kind of interaction at all. I couldn't breathe.

"H-hey guys, I'm glad to see you too!" I tried to shift my way out of the huge embrace, but failed. "But... air! I need to breathe!"

But they didn't budge at all. I don't even think they could even hear me. I was grateful and touched by their action, but it was getting too much. I turned my head to the small spacing and saw Bakugo sitting on his desk. We made eye contact for a second before he turned away making a 'Tch' sound. 'Okay, he's not going to help me.'

Then I saw Todoroki. His lips were curved upwards. It was like he was enjoying me getting the life crushed out of me. I sent him a pleading look.

He crossed his arms and looked down and chuckled. Then he finally spoke up. "Alright, let her breathe guys. She only just got released from the hospital a couple of days ago," he announced.

Saving Each Other (todoroki x oc)Where stories live. Discover now