Who do you want to be?

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Sakura POV

Ochaco and I made our way to the top where our class was sitting. We were both feeling a little more replenished after eating ice cream. We spotted Iida and Tokoyami and decided to sit near them.

"Hey guys," I greeted the two boys.

"Uraraka! Your eyes!" Iida exclaimed as he and Tokoyami looked shocked.

I mentally slapped myself from his comment. 'Good job Iida. God boys are so dense.'

"Were your eyes hurt?! Then maybe you should go to Recovery Girl!"

"I already did," she said as she tried rubbed her eyes. "This is...... from something else," she explained as she took a seat next to Iida.

I glanced up and saw Katsuki leaning against the wall. We made eye contact for a moment before he made a 'Tsk' sound as he turned his head away.

'Okaay. He's in one of his moods.' I thought as I took a seat next to Tokoyami who politely gestured for me to sit.

"Different? If that's the case, then you must've been really frustrated earlier," Iida quietly said.

"Rather than feeling regretful right now, you should use this next match as a source of encouragement," Tokoyami stated as he looked down to the field.

Ochaco confidently nodded. "Yeah."

I nudged Tokoyami with a shoulder and gave him a grateful smile. "Thanks for saying that," I whispered.

He nodded and returned a smile too.

Then, the fire went off in the battle field and the crowd started to roar with excitement.

I closed my fists as I became nervous. I looked around and saw that everyone in our class also was excited. 'This was the match they all waited for ever since Todoroki declared he would beat Izuku.'

"The first match of the second round is a big match!" Present Mic yelled.

"The man who won a huge victory in the first round and literally left the audience frozen- From the hero course, it's Shoto Todoroki!"

I glanced up to the screen and saw how serious Todoroki looked. He looked so confident and didn't show a bit of fear.

'Will he be able to do it? Will he finally accept his left side as a part of him?'

"On the other hand, this guy barely made it past the first round. Also from the hero course, Izuku Midoriya!"

I smiled as I saw that Izuku also had a determined face on too. You wouldn't think he was the same guy from a year ago.

"Sakura, how do you think this match will go? You seem to read matches very well and you are able predict the player's moves," Iida said in a curious tone.

I didn't take my gaze off the field as I saw Todoroki and Izuku both facing each other, creating a serous aura around them. "I don't think I'll be able to predict the winner of this match, Iida. They both have such strong determination to win and they both are very powerful in their own ways," I explained my thoughts. "Whoever gives their best and is the last person standing, is the winner."

This was my honest answer. I actually had no idea who was going to win this match. If Izuku managed to control his One for All the best he can, he will able to destroy Todoroki's ice. But if Todoroki uses his quirk to the full extent, things can go very differently.

'But that is all up to him.'

"This match is like two great rivals fighting against each other! Now! Todoroki versus Midoriya!"

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