Two Heroes - Chapter Two

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I have officially affirmed and have given up the next seven years of my life to the army. And I am having some serious regrets.


3rd POV

Shoto let out another exasperated sigh as he continued to get threats from the explosive ash blonde, demanding that he wanted to a rematch.

"There's no way in hell am I letting you beat me, half n half!" Bakugo boomed, struggling to get out of Kirishima's grasp. "You can't just appear out of nowhere and show me up!"

"Umm..." The female announcer spoke quietly, deathly afraid of the situation in front of her. "We have another person waiting-"


"Everyone, please stop!" Iida cried, rushing to stand between the two boys, not wanting a fight to break out. "You're going to make the world think U.A. is full of degenerates!"

"Calm down, man," Kirishima said, wrapping his arms around the ash-blonde even tighter. "Just relax. You can go again, soon."

"Let go of me, shitty-hair!" Bakugo yelled, reaching out to grab Shoto's collar, but Midoriya grabbed his arm just in time.

"Please Kacchan!" The green-haired boy was frantic, trying to get his childhood friend to back off.

After a few more minutes, the boys managed to get the wild beast to calm down and walked back up to the stands to regroup with the others.

"Todoroki!" Uraraka called out to the boy, earning a nod from him. "You're here too!"

"I wonder if any more of our classmates are here," Jirou pondered, resting her elbows on the railing.

Midoriya gulped at that, remembering about a certain classmate. He still hasn't mentioned that he had come to the island with Sakura or explained what he was doing here.

"Um about that, there's something you guys should-"

"Alright everybody, give it up for our next contestant!" The brunette announced, interrupting Midoriya's sentence before he could finish.

"Oh my god!" Yaoyorozu cried out in disbelief, her eyes widening as she leaned in to get a closer look. "Is that Sakura?!"

Hearing the name of his best friend, Shoto whipped his head back to the arena to see if what Yaoyorozu said was true. His eyes widened as he saw the familiar jet black hair and striking blue eyes. He blinked rapidly, making sure his eyes weren't lying to him.

Midoriya nervously fiddled with his fingers, hearing his classmates questions about why Sakura was here. Well, at least he didn't have to tell them himself.

Shoto didn't take his eyes off of her, watching her ever move as she raised her hands in front of her, cracking her knuckles and rotating her neck, no doubt focusing on demolishing every single robot in the stadium.

"Ready?" The announcer asked, flashing her a bright smile as she walked to the side.

Sakura gave her a two finger salute, signaling that she was indeed ready.

"The villain attack course has been reset," announced the brunette standing behind the raven-haired girl. "Ready..... Go!"

The second the announcer signaled her turn to begin, Sakura raised her arms and closed her eyes, feeling the energy from all the built-up frustration that took refuge in her chest and concentrating it into creating one massive ball of energy between her palms. She felt the ball getting stronger and bigger, but it still wasn't enough for the girl, knowing that she could do more.

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