Two Heroes - Chapter Three

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"It's no use," Iida stated, turning his phone off before shoving it in his pants pocket. "Neither of those two are picking up their phones."

We were currently waiting for Kirishima and Katsuki to show up. I glanced at the clock in the background, reading the time as six-fifty pm. I plopped my chin on my palms as I swung my feet, having this dreadful feeling that this was going to be a long night.

"Knowing Bakugo," Kyoka chimed in the conversation beside me, "he probably didn't even bother thinking coming to this event. And Kirishima would have just followed him."

'Lucky bastards,' I cursed the two boys in my mind as I swung my feet back and forth from my seat, wishing that I should have just followed their example. I looked up from my sparkly shoes to see Shoto standing next to Izuku and Iida, mildly conversing with them with his hands stuffed into his pockets of his dress pants. I didn't realize that I kept my gaze on him until I was met with the turquoise and silver eyes. I felt my entire body stiffen and my cheeks flush as I realized I was caught staring. Just when I was contemplating to throw myself into the ocean, Shoto lifted his hand from his pocket and gave me a simple wave, flashing me a small smile.

My. Heart. Almost. Fainted.

In a half second, I swung my face to the side to cover the obvious blush residing on my cheeks. 'Who in the hell gave him the right to be that cute?' I thought, taking small breaths as a desperate attempt to cool down my face. I could have sworn that every time Shoto smiles, my lifespan shortens. Yup, Shoto Todoroki was literally going to be the death of me.

It was so unfair that I had to see him dressed so nicely. I mean he always looked good, but tonight was just different in a sense. I could tell he actually put up the effort.

My hopeless attempt to calm down was utterly failing. I probably looked like a ripe tomato.

'I need some air.' I needed to escape. It was becoming all too much.

"Well, while you guys try to go find them," I butted in the conversation between my friends about whether to wait for Bakugo and Kirishima or to just go on without them. I rose from my seat where I was sitting, "I'm going to find a restroom."

"Wait, Sakura!" Iida called out, hearing his shoes squeak against the polished floor behind me. "As class rep, I highly recommend that we all stick together. That way I can know where each student is in case of emergency!"

'What is this? A class field trip?' I pushed the down button and to my luck, my escape route opened up immediately. I stepped inside and turned around. "Unless you are offering to help me go to the bathroom in this dress, I suggest we refrain from being bathroom buddies. Relax Iida, Aizawa isn't here breathing down your neck," I coaxed, flashing him a grin as I pressed the button to the floor I was heading down to. "This is a party. Let loose for just this once."

And with that I wiggled my fingers goodbye to my shocked class rep through the minimizing slit of the elevator doors sliding into place. Once I was alone, my forced smile was replaced with a tired sigh as my shoulders slouched in fatigue. I leaned against the wall as I felt the elevator car descend. I almost kicked my heels off, wanting to rub my feet to relieve the pain from walking in them. Why did dressing up require so much pain and energy?

I turned around to study my reflection in the mirror, almost not recognizing the face staring back at me. It was amazing how a different hairstyle and a light cover of makeup could do to a face. Hell, the only time I wore makeup was to cover black eyes and other bruises from training. I looked like a complete different person and I wasn't sure how I felt about it.

I thought back to the short conversation I had with Shoto back there and how amazing he had looked in his tux. He looked like he was a main character out of a 007 movie, ready to take down the villains and save the world. I mean how is it even possible for someone to look that good?

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