Public Humiliation

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Sakura POV

"Ochaco, are you sure about this?" I asked her again nervously as I looked in the mirror.

After overhearing Todoroki and Izuku's conversation, Ochaco found me wandering around near the cafeteria with my thoughts. After she literally forced fed me lunch, she dragged me to the locker rooms. She mentioned something about us partaking in a cheer battle before the next event started. But, I wasn't so sure.

I looked in the mirror and studied the bizarre outfit I was wearing that Momo has made for us. The bright orange cheerleading outfit barely covered anything. The top was so skimpy that it barely went below my chest area. And the skirt was unbelievably short. My hair was now in a high ponytail. I looked at Ochaco again.

She didn't look so sure either. "That's apparently what Mr. Aizawa ordered us to do," she replied as she adjusted her top. "I mean that's what Kaminari and Mineta told us at lunch."

I raised my eyebrows at the sound of those names. "So you're telling me the two most desperate guys in the class told us that we had to wear these outfits in front of everybody?" I found that very hard to believe.

She started to shake slightly. "Yeah, that's what they said," she stated nervously.

"Aw Sakura! You look so cute! Look at that toned stomach!" Mina cried.

I smiled at her nervously. "Thanks Mina. But are you sure about this? Like doesn't it feel like this is a whole scam?"

Momo sighed. "I don't like it either, but I don't want to get in trouble with Mr. Aizawa because we didn't want follow his directions," she said as she was fixing her hair.

I narrowed my eyes. This didn't sound like something Aizawa would make us do.

"Besides! It'll be fine! All the other girls will be wearing them too!" Mina jumped up in excitement.

I made eye contact with Kyoka. We both looked skeptical about this whole idea but we just shrugged and decided to let it go.

"Alright. If you say so.... I guess it won't be as bad since all the other girls will be dressed like this too.."


"Let me go! So I can strangle them!" I yelled as Ochaco and Momo held me back to prevent me from absolutely murdering the two perverts.

I saw them drooling and their noses gushing out blood. I wanted to punch their grins right off their faces so badly. I can't believe that I fell for their little scheme.

"Sakura! Calm down!" Ochaco pleaded as she was desperately trying to hold me back with all her strength.

I took a deep breath and stopped threatening them. But I gave them a glare that said 'I'll get my revenge on you two later' and they both gulped nervously.

I have never felt so embarrassed in my life. I tried to pull the super short top down as far as possible, but it was no use. I couldn't believe I was actually in this situation.

"W-what are you guys wearing?"

I immediately turned around and saw a very red Izuku. I put a finger up to his face and glared at him.

"Not another word, Izuku. Or so god help me, I will rearrange that cute baby face of yours," I growled.

Izuku gulped and did a motion to show that his lips were sealed and then he booked it.

I looked around the open spaced stadium. There were people on the benches cheering and yelling. Students were all around the place, helping to prepare to set up the recreational games for those who didn't make it to the last round.

Saving Each Other (todoroki x oc)Where stories live. Discover now