Shattered Glass

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Sakura POV

I escaped the sunlight as I walked inside the tunnel. Even though I had just won, I was feeling pretty down. 'Why did I have to go against Shoto of all people?' I groaned as I pulled my hair out of frustration.

I hung my head low as I walked through the tunnel. I was staring at my shoes when I heard a rough familiar voice.

"Ah Sakura Asano. Just the person I wanted to see."

I slowly tilted my head up to see the flaming hero; Endeavor. I felt my face turn into a sour expression. Why the hell did he want to see me? It was very clear that he didn't like me and I especially didn't like him. "What do you want?" I spat.

"I see your rude attitude hasn't changed," he said shaking his head disapprovingly. "You were quite impressive against Shoto. I suppose I should thank you for getting my stubborn son to use his left side. He will finally now be able to achieve his destiny."

I closed my fists as I clenched my teeth. "I helped Shoto for him, not you. I reminded him that his left side was his own power. And that you have no control over his life anymore. He finally realizes that he's nothing like his hateful father," I smiled sweetly at him.

Endeavor then glared at me. "You little brat," he hissed. "You clearly need a lesson on respect."

I shrugged. "Maybe, but you clearly need a lesson about learning that you can't control peoples' lives," I glared right back at him and crossed my arms. "Honestly, I don't know how you call yourself a hero, Endeavor."

I saw that he was stunned from my words. I took that as I sign that our conversation was over. "Well as much as I love talking to you, I have to go." I started to walk past him, but he gripped onto my shoulder.

"My son and those people out there might not know who you truly are," his voice was now low and dangerous. "But I know exactly who or what you are. You are a monster."

I felt my heart stop as the last word escaped his mouth. The word that has haunted me my whole life. I still stood there in shock as Endeavor walked away.

'A monster. Is that what I am? If someone as horrible as Endeavor calls me one, maybe I really am...' I felt my eyes sting as I felt something rise in my chest.

I started to walk down the tunnel again. I heard familiar voices coming from the corner of the side hallway.

"Come on, Deku! I want to go congratulate Sakura!" Ochaco said.

My eyes widened and I immediately walked inside the bathroom to avoid my friends. I don't know why, but I just couldn't face them right now.

"Huh, that's weird. She's not here," Ochaco sounded disappointed.

"Uraraka, maybe she went to Recovery Girl. Let's go check," I heard Izuku say as their footsteps echo away. I sighed and walked over to the sink area. I gripped the sides of the sink as I looked at my reflection. My bangs were slightly covering my eyes. But, my eyes weren't blue anymore. They were almost grey.

'You are a monster.'

'Get out of my head.' I put my hands to my head to try to block out the haunting voices.

'I created you for only one purpose; to become the ultimate weapon.'

'N-no. S-stop.'

'You will always belong to me.'

"I said get out!"

I felt a energy wave from my body as I cried out and all the mirrors and window begin to shatter. Tiny shards of glass flew everywhere and landed onto to the floor.

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