Never run away from a challenge

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Sakura POV

"This is my hero name: Blossom."

I proudly said as I presented my code name. I felt all my classmates attention on me, but I was only looking at one person. His eyes were wide as he stared right back at me. Then slowly, a smile crept up to his lips as he gave me a nod.

"Sakura-chan!" My green-haired friend yelled as he drew my attention away from the IcyHot boy. "That's such a cool name! It's so unique."

"T-thanks," I nervously chuckled.

"I agree!" Midnight praised. "That name is sounds so pretty! What made you choose this name?"

I smiled as I looked down at my board. "It was a name that was given to me by two people I loved," I said quietly as the image of both of my parents laughing came to my mind. "But, the main reason I chose this name is because I want to be a hero who can help people grow and bloom into their true selves," I smiled confidently as I faced my class. "I want to help shed people's fear of change and become the person who they want to be. Like a flower that blossoms into their new and beautiful form."

My gaze fell back onto Shoto, who was now staring at me with the softest expression. 'He probably remembers from my memories about my parents calling me that.'

"So I want to become the Hero: Blossom. I want to be a hero that helps everyone find their way to become their best self."

I sweatdropped when I saw how stunned my classmates were. It was dead silent.

'Aw man... That was so cheesy....'

I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment as I rubbed the back of my neck. "S-sorry, that was a little too much, wasn't it?" I nervously chuckled.

"No, it was perfect, Sakura." Midnight put a hand on my shoulders. "I'm sure your parents are very proud of you," she whispered as she gave me a wide smile.

"Yeah!" Mina then jumped up from her seat. "Blossom is such a cute name! It suits you perfectly!"

"Blossom! Blossom! Blossom!" My classmates began to cheer with a fist raised high in the air.

"Thanks, guys," I said as I felt relieved for my classmates approval. I smiled down at my feet as I made my way back to my seat. As I sat down, I kept my gaze right to the front of my class, afraid to look at the IcyHot boy to the right of me.

But then I felt his presence come closer as he leaned towards me. "I like the name, Blossom," I heard him lightly chuckle. I slowly turned my head to see him smiling and looking at me in amusement. I felt my cheeks flush more.

"T-thanks," I mumbled. Then I thought back to our conversation after the Sports Festival. "The name came back to me after we had talked. I had forgotten about it after I pushed all those memories to the back of my mind. But after sharing those memories with you, it made me realize that I should hold onto them as long as possible. So, thank you Shoto."

I smiled at him as I waited for what his reaction was to be. His smile faded as I saw a look of surprise on his face. Then he closed his eyes and smiled so softly that it made my body tingle. "I should be the one thanking you for everything that you have done for me, Sakura."

I felt my heart flutter as I heard the sincerity in his voice. It was amazing how much closer we have become after one conversation.

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