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Sakura POV

"Shoto. C-call me Shoto."

I stood there frozen in shock as he had his arms around me tightly. I felt a huge smile slowly creep up. I slowly raised my arms to embrace him back.

"Thank you, Sakura. Thank you for saving me," he whispered into my ear. I felt chills run through my whole body from his voice.

I slowly pulled back and looked up to his face.

He was smiling.

"Thanks to you and and Midoriya, you finally made me see that I control my own life," he softly said as he smiled down on me. "You reminded me of who I wanted to be."

"Of course, Tod- I mean Shoto," I felt my cheeks blush as I said his name. I saw that his face was also tinted with pink. "I'm just so relieved that you finally see that. That you finally realize your full potential and that your left side is also a part of you."

I stared into his eyes and saw that they shone with something new. Like he was almost finally happy.

He raised his left hand and stared at it with a new interest. "I'm still not sure if I'm ready to use my left side to my full potential. I still think about my father and all he's done to me..." He then slowly dropped his hand and carefully grabbed my right hand. "But with some help, I think I'll be able to.. with your help... If you would, of course."

I closed my eyes as I felt a warm feeling in my chest. 'He's finally asking for help. My help.'

I wrapped my fingers around his. "Of course, I will. We all here to help you.... that is... if you are done acting like a stubborn child by saying you don't need friends," I smiled teasingly at him.

He looked at me for a moment before letting out a small chuckle that sounded like happiness to my ears. "I am. I promise."

"The next battle is about to begin! Can the two contestants of the second match please prepare to walk out of the battle field."

My eyes looked up as I heard the announcement. I looked at our intertwined hands and realize that I didn't want to let go.

"Well, that's my cue," I said as I slowly let go of his left hand and backed up from his presence. As I pulled back, I saw his half burnt gym uniform that showed off half of his upper body.

I instantly blushed from the sight of his ripped abs.

"By the way, you might want to get a change of clothes," I quietly giggled as I pointed at the huge hole in his uniform.

He slowly looked down before immediately turned his head to the side. He was red from embarrassment. I laughed a little harder from his adorable reaction.

"I should get going now," I started as I started to put my long messy hair into a ponytail. "I can't let you take all the spotlight out there," I smirked playfully.

Just as I turned to leave for my match, I felt a warm hand grab onto mine, forcing me to turn back to the bi-colored hair boy. His eyes, which were now almost sparkling, stared intently into my blue ones.

"Good luck out there, Sakura. I have no doubt that you won't shine out there. Go show them what you've got," He grinned at me.

I stared dumbly at him from his words. I thought my heart was going to explode from what he had just said.

"You bet I will," I winked at him as he gently let my hand drop to my side.

I left the blushing boy as I turned around and started to walk down the hall. I put a hand to my chest as I felt my heart beating faster than usual. But, it wasn't because I was nervous. It was because I was actually happy.

Saving Each Other (todoroki x oc)Where stories live. Discover now