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Sakura POV

I was gripping onto the railing in front of me nervously. It was finally time for Ochaco and Katsuki's match.

I took a deep breath. I was really nervous for Ochaco. She was the type of girl who wouldn't even hurt a fly. And she was going against the guy who yells "DIE!" at everything he does.


I turned around to see Izuku and Iida waving at me from above. I smiled and made my way up there.

"Hey guys," I smiled as I took a seat next to Izuku. "Did you guys manage to talk to Ochaco before her match?"

Izuku nodded. "Yeah, she wanted to thank you for the advice you gave her earlier and that she would keep it in mind." Then Izuku frowned. "She was really nervous, though."

"Well duh! She's going against Bakugo! And on the first round. Talk about bad luck!" Kaminari's head popped out from behind us.

I raised my eyebrows. "Glad to see that you have recovered, Kaminari," I mumbled still remembering that I had to drag his ass to Chiyo's offfice.

Kaminari let our a weak chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Y-yeah, sorry about you having to carry me. Really appreciate it though," he winks at me.

I heard a chuckle from the far left. "Why am I not surprised that Sakura had to carry a unconscious Kaminari after her match."

I leaned forward and saw it was Tokoyami. "Hey Tokoyami. You did great out there during your match," I smiled.

He bowed his head. "Thank you, Sakura. Same goes to you."

"The eighth and last match of the first round!" Present Mic's voice came on.

"He was kind of famous in middle school! From the hero course, it's Katsuki Bakugo!"

I looked at the screen and sweatdropped from Katsuki's expression. 'Ah jeez, why is he making a face like that.'

Izuku leaned in and whispered. "What did Todoroki want to say?"

I felt my cheeks blush as I slowly turn to face my freckled friend. "Uh just had a little heart to heart conversation about something," I frowned as I wondered if I had finally broke down his walls.

Izuku studied my face. He then looked at the field with a emotionless expression. "Todoroki is kind of scary. But, it's a different scary than Kacchan. He's always on the outside, but he's always carefully noticing things and points out things that are spot on," Izuku shuddered.

I leaned in closer to Izuku. "Oh, you mean like him asking you if you're All Might's love child?" I whispered in his ear.

Izuku then turned so red I thought he was going to pass out. "H-how d-do y-you k-know that?"

I shrugged. "I have my ways. Now shush. The match is about to start," I nodded towards the field.

I looked down and saw that both Ochaco and Katsuki were standing opposite sides of the field. They both looked determined. 'Come on, Ochaco. I believe in you.'

"Uraraka told us that you gave her a strategy, Sakura. What was it?" Iida spoke up.

I put my elbows on my knees and rested my chin on my hands. "It wasn't that much of a strategy. It was more pointing out the obvious. Katsuki is powerful and he barely has any holes in his defense during close combat. But, if Ochaco can dodge his attacks as much as possible and finds an opening to touch him, she can make him float out of the boundary."

'But it won't be easy. Katsuki has amazing speed. And dodging his attacks will require a lot of stamina and strength.'

"Let the match.... begin!"

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