The Truth

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Sakura POV


'Oh thank the lord.'

Everyone froze when Present Mic announced that the event was over. It became absolutely silent throughout the whole arena.

I saw Katsuki absolutely face plant onto the dirt and Todoroki swiftly jump off his teammates shoulders.

"That's the end of the second round, the cavalry battle!" Present Mic announced. Then the silence was broken with the loud screams of the crowd.

"W-we did it," I choked out as I felt my barrier fall and I suddenly felt all the pain in my body. My legs gave out and the next thing you know, my team started to tumble down.

"W-woah!" Izuku cried out before hitting the ground with a thud.

I slowly stood up somehow and looked at my team. We all looked so shocked. We won. We had somehow managed to defend all those points the whole game. Then, we bursted out laughing.

"We did it you guys!" Ochaco smiled so brightly.

"Thank you so much for being such a great team!" Izuku then started crying. There were literally fountains of tears spewing out of his big green eyes.

Ochaco, Tokoyami, and I looked at each other for a moment before laughing. Then we were all squished together as Izuku wrapped his arms around us.

"Uh Izuku? Is this really necessary?" I asked uncomfortably.

"Yes! I'm so grateful for you guys!" He cried out.

I chuckled before patting his head. I peered over his shoulder and met eyes with a certain heterochromatic-eyed boy. I looked into his eyes and realized they weren't angry anymore. They looked sad. I smiled slightly at him and bowed my head to him out of respect. I saw the corners of his mouth tilt up a bit and he did the same motion.

My attention was brought back to my team as Izuku finally let us go.

I glanced back at Katsuki and rolled my eyes. He was throwing a temper tantrum like a little kid. 'Oh boy.... really?'

"Now, lets take a look at the top four teams right away! In first place, Team Midoriya! They had managed to defend all their points! And did some crazy stunts during the battle!" Present Mic laughed. "In second place, Team Todoroki! In third, Team Bakugo! And in Fourth, Team Tesute-" then he stopped. "Huh? What, it's Team Shinso!"

I looked over at the fourth place team and frowned. Ojiro and Aoyama were on his team, but they looked so fazed, like they didn't know what just happened. I saw Shinso smiling creepily and I shuddered. 'I don't know why, but that guy gives me the creeps.'

I felt a presence behind my back and I turned to see who it was. It was dark shadow. I smiled and pet his head, "Thanks so much for you help, we couldn't have done it without you both," I said as I looked at Tokoyami and flashed a smile at him.

Tomoyami shook his head. "I believe we should be thanking you, Sakura. You were the one who had all the plans and saved us from that move Iida did," he said. Then they all did something that shocked me.

"Thank you, Sakura!" They exclaimed as they bowed towards me. I saw that all the others teams had faced us.

I felt my face turn bright red. I put my hands up. "W-what are you d-doing? Stop that! We won because of what we all did," I smiled at my team. Then Ochaco and Izuku pulled me into a hug again.

I glanced at Tokoyami and saw him standing there awkwardly. I reached out for his shoulder and pulled him into the group hug.

After we hugged it out for a few more seconds, Ochaco suggested that we should go rest and get some lunch.

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