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Sakura POV

With music playing through my headphones, I was taking a stroll near the outside of the stadium. I was now changed comfortably in my gym uniform. I checked the time and sighed.

It was almost time for the final event to begin.

I squatted down on my tippy toes and put my hands to my face. I took a deep breath.

For some reason, I had a weird feeling in my stomach. Like something was going to go wrong.

It's been a long day. 'Just one more event and then it's over.' I told myself as I got up and ignored the soreness in my calves. I headed over to the entrance.

I was walking in one of the tunnels when I ran into Toshi. He was in his All Might form.

"Little Sakura! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" Toshi tackles me with a hug.

"Hey Toshi," I managed to say while having the air sucked out of me.

He finally let me go. "Are you ready for the final event? It seems like you've been cruising through with ease so far."

I shrugged. "More or less, I'm ready." Then I remembered about Todoroki and Izuku's conversation.

"Well then, I should get going. Young Midoriya's match is going to begin soon," he says while starting to walk away.

"Toshi wait," I spoke out. He turned to face me. 'Should I tell him? I feel like I have to warn him about being more discreet.'

"What is it, Sakura?" He asked worriedly.

I smiled up at him, "I've missed you. You should come over sometime so I can make us dinner sometime so we can catch up."

He smiled, "Sure, that sounds great. Good luck on your fight, kid," he says while ruffling my hair.

I stood there as he started to walk down the hallway. I sighed. 'He has enough to worry about right now. I'll tell him later.'

I made my way to the top of the stands to meet my other classmates. I spotted Ochaco and Iida waving at me to come over. I smiled and made my way over there.

"Hey guys," I greeted them as I took a seat next to the brunette.

"Sakura, are you ready for the final round?" Iida asked.

"Yeah, I guess," I shrugged. I looked over to the stadium where there was now a huge square of cement. It was a battle ring, created by Cementoss, for us to battle. Whoever would push the person out the end of the square, is the winner. The time limit for every battle was thirty minutes.

I felt a pretty strong breeze hit my face. I smiled. 'This weather is just perfect for me to use my wind quirk during this round. I have the advantage of using my wind to push my opponents out or I can use my earth quirk to create barriers for myself to prevent myself getting pushed over. Or I can use my-'

I felt a hand on my arm. "Um Sakura?"

I looked over to see a worried Ochaco. "Hm? What's up?"

"You were quietly muttering to yourself," she stated.

"I was?"

"Yeah, you were," Ochaco giggled. "You sounded like Deku for a second there."

'Oh my god. I'm turning into Izuku...'

"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about tactics for my match," I rubbed the neck of my back. I was embarrassed that they had caught me pulling an Izuku. "I'm guess I'm just a little nervous."

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