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Sakura POV

I failed miserably trying to hold my yawn in. I have been getting less sleep every day. Each night would result in me waking up, drenched in sweat, and too scared to go back to sleep. Once I was up, I would go train to clear my mind.

I literally felt my eye bags. I internally groaned. I just wanted one good night of sleep. Is that too much to ask for? 'If anyone annoys me today, I swear I will punch them right on the spot.'

I was on my way walking to school. I stretched out my arms, enjoying the warm sun hitting my face. I felt a little better.

When I reached the gate, I saw a huge crowd of reporters with cameras. 'What in the hell..'

As I approached the crowd, a reporter immediately came up to me asking questions.

"What is it like having All Might as a teacher?"

"What kind of training do you do?"

"How different does he act as a teacher compared to being a pro hero?"

I gritted my teeth in annoyance as I was being pushed around in the crowd. I cursed my height as I stood on my tippy toes, trying to find a way out of the swarm.

Then a young woman put a microphone to my face. "Please tell us, Miss. What is it like having All Might, the Symbol of Peace, as a teacher?"

I almost wanted to laugh aloud right there. People were honestly so pathetic. I didn't answer as I try to make my way out, but they wouldn't let me leave.

That's when I started to get annoyed. I felt my hands tingle with energy. Before I could do something I regret, I felt a cold hand clasp mine. I looked and saw it was Todoroki. He pushed the reporters as he dragged me with him.

"Aren't you the son of Endeavor?"

I flinched when I heard this question. But, Todoroki ignored it. We finally made it through the gates, as I saw Aizawa go deal with the flies.

When we got inside the gates, I realized I was still holding Todoroki's hand. I immediately let it go. I felt my cheeks get hot.

"T-thanks for doing that. But I could have handled it by myself," I quietly said.

Todoroki tilted his head. "I thought I would save you. It looked like you were being a little overwhelmed," he replied as he pointed to my hands.

I looked down and saw that they were still slightly glowing red. 'Was I really about to lose control back there?' I internally cursed myself. I haven't let my emotions get control of my quirks for awhile, but I was feeling a little more stressed than usual.

I sighed. I looked up meet Todoroki's eyes. "Yeah I guess. Thanks for that. See you in class." I said before walking ahead. I tried to take deep breaths to calm myself down.

I touched my face with both of my hands. They were still warm from holding hands with Todoroki for a few seconds. I didn't get it. Why were they so flushed?

As soon as I got to the classroom, I sat in my seat. I didn't make eye contact with Todoroki as I saw him take his seat next to me.

Then I saw Aizawa come in. "Good work on yesterday's combat training. I saw the video and results." He looked at Bakugo. "Bakugo, you're talented. So stop acting like a kid."

Bakugo scoffed. "I know."

"Midoriya, I heard you broke your arm again. Stop saying that you can't help it just because you can't control your quirk. Don't expect Sakura to keep healing you after you get hurt every time." 'Why the hell did he have to call me out like that.'

Saving Each Other (todoroki x oc)Where stories live. Discover now