Attack on USJ pt 2

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3rd POV

Sakura clutched onto Todoroki as they were falling in air. She closed her eyes for the brace of impact.

Then she felt herself sliding on a cold sheet of ice. She opened her eyes and saw that Todoroki had created a cliff of ice to soften their fall.

Todoroki then got up and helped Sakura get on her feet.

"Thanks," she muttered. He just nodded back.

They both looked around and saw themselves in the landslide area. 'We are still in USJ. That guy's quirk must be related to creating portals,' Sakura thought.

"We should get back and try to regroup with the others," she stated. But, before they could head off, they found themselves surrounded by villains.

"Hmm where do you think you two are going huh?"

They both turned their heads to the huge villain that looked like a rhino.

"I say we kill them slowly," another man hissed while licking his lips.

Todoroki stood in front of Sakura, putting her arm around her.

Sakura looked down at the ground, seeing that that they were standing on dirt. She smiled. 'How unfortunate for them.'

She then raised her hands and the ground started shaking. "What's happening?!"

Then the villains, one by one, were all trapped inside solid rock. The villains tried to struggle their way out, but it was no use. They were stuck so tightly, they could barely move their arms.

Sakura walked through the field of the trapped villains. "It's pretty pathetic to lose against two children, don't you think?" She stopped and she smirked at the villains. "You are all so pitiful," she spat.

"This power... she trapped us in the earth the moment she was warped here!"

"I-is she really a kid?"

Sakura then smiled sweetly. "You all just got your asses beaten by a 16 year old girl." She then started walking over to the man with the green face paint. Her eyes were now glowing red and her hand swirling around her chaos magic.

"You know, I could go inside your mind and look into your memories, but I assure you, that would be very painful," she said in a low voice. "Or you could just tell me yourself what plan you have to kill All Might."

Todoroki eyes widened at Sakura. He couldn't help, but feel intimidated himself. In just seconds, she managed to trap all the villains all by herself. She really was powerful.

The villain just glared at her. "Hmm? I guess pain it is then," she lowers her hand to the man's head. "N-no wait! Please! I'll tell you!"

She raised her eyebrow at this but she dropped her hand and motioned him to go on. "T-the boss has a weapon to kill All Might. That's why we are here! But All Might ended up not even being here," he says while trembling. He was terrified of the girl.

Sakura's face darkened. 'A weapon? To kill Toshinori?' "What weapon?" She hissed.

"We don't know! They never tell us things like that to us!"

Sakura then walked away from the useless villains, leaving them trapped. She walked up to Todoroki. "We have to find the others and get out of here. We should split up. You take the South side and I take the North." She was worried about her classmates. As much as she hated to admit it, some of her classmates were not suited enough to go against all these villains.

Todoroki nodded, still in awe of what he just witnessed. "Alright then, be careful and good luck" Sakura said as she turned to run off to save her friends. But before she could take a step, Todoroki grabbed her arm.

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