A lil about me

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Hey guys! So this page is just for fun for you to know a little more about me.

My name is Jennifer. I am 19 years old and currently go to West Point (it's a military school. lol ik why would i go there) I play tennis and currently on their women's team.

I actually just recently got into anime about 6 months ago but i'm a huge fan. My favorite anime is Haikyuu and favorite anime character would probably be Akaashi Keiji (i still love Todoroki tho)

My nationality is korean. I live in southern california but my school is located in New York.

Likes: Watching anime, star wars, working out, hanging with friends, reading fan fic, coffee, procrastination, and eating.

Dislikes: Studying and homework, fighting with people, feeling really tired, being around a lot of people in public (i'm pretty antisocial)

Saving each other (todorokixoc) is my first ever fanfic so i apologize if it's really shitty. I have really weird sleep schedules where i don't go to bed till really late but still manage to wake up early. i'll always try to update everyday or every other day since i have a lot of free time because of quarantine.

anyways this is pretty much the basic facts about me and here comes a picture of me.....

anyways this is pretty much the basic facts about me and here comes a picture of me

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if any of y'all want to talk about anime or anything just let me know! :))))))

Saving Each Other (todoroki x oc)Where stories live. Discover now